- Washington, DC
- http://www.quorum.us
- vendors@quorum.us
Popular repositories Loading
devops-take-home-test Public archiveThe take-home Test application support to DevOps challenge
Ruby 2
phantom-of-the-capitol PublicForked from EFForg/phantom-of-the-capitol
Generate and submit forms to congress
Ruby 1
django-dbconn-retry Public archiveForked from scottmbaker/django-dbconn-retry
Patches Django to reconnect on a failed database connection once before failing. Helping with running Django ORM through HAProxy, for example.
Python 1
mysql-formula PublicForked from saltstack-formulas/mysql-formula
Install the MySQL client and/or server
django-pg-fts PublicForked from dvdmgl/django-pg-fts
Implementation PostgeSQL for Full Text Search for Django >= 1.7
- textract-q Public Forked from deanmalmgren/textract
extract text from any document. no muss. no fuss.
QuorumUS/textract-q’s past year of commit activity - pattern Public Forked from clips/pattern
Web mining module for Python, with tools for scraping, natural language processing, machine learning, network analysis and visualization.
QuorumUS/pattern’s past year of commit activity - pandas Public Forked from pandas-dev/pandas
Flexible and powerful data analysis / manipulation library for Python, providing labeled data structures similar to R data.frame objects, statistical functions, and much more
QuorumUS/pandas’s past year of commit activity - NativeBase Public Forked from GeekyAnts/NativeBase
Essential cross-platform UI components for React Native
QuorumUS/NativeBase’s past year of commit activity - stable-diffusion-webui Public archive Forked from AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui
Stable Diffusion web UI
QuorumUS/stable-diffusion-webui’s past year of commit activity - hacktj-examples Public archive
Here's some code samples and boilerplate templates for Phone2Action Treehacks
QuorumUS/hacktj-examples’s past year of commit activity