Releases: R-Sandor/FindFirst
Releases · R-Sandor/FindFirst
Bookmark Manager
This release is our first fully functional bookmark manager. That entails being able to search bookmarks by title, tag, and with site previews.
This is our first fully functional release with all known bugs having been fixed, SonarQube findings resolved, and >80% coverage in testing.
What's Changed
- Configured global exception handler with RestControllerAdvice by @pisal-shubham in #282
- Bump nanoid from 3.3.7 to 3.3.8 in /frontend in the npm_and_yarn group across 1 directory by @dependabot in #285
- Bump next from 14.2.10 to 14.2.15 in /frontend in the npm_and_yarn group across 1 directory by @dependabot in #286
Full Changelog: 0.0.1...1.0.0
0.0.1 - Bookmark Previews
What's Changed
- Application produces JARs instead of WARs by @R-Sandor in #10
- Moderize #4 by @R-Sandor in #12
- Moderize #4 by @R-Sandor in #13
- Added new targets. by @R-Sandor in #14
- 1 create user accounts by @R-Sandor in #16
- Updated ReadMe to note docker and default accounts by @R-Sandor in #17
- Updated Package Name to by @R-Sandor in #21
- Create simple app design mode sad mode Part 1. by @R-Sandor in #22
- 23 create simple app design mode sad mode part 2 by @R-Sandor in #34
- Abilitiy to Remove Tags from a bookmark. by @R-Sandor in #44
- Switched to .orElseGet() by @R-Sandor in #46
- 47 as a user i would like tag count increase when a tag is added by @R-Sandor in #51
- Simple bookmark group by @R-Sandor in #55
- 35 as a user i can add new bookmarks by @R-Sandor in #61
- Cleanup branch by @R-Sandor in #67
- Fix case in NewBookmarkRequest import by @antonrasmussen in #112
- Fix fill rule by @antonrasmussen in #113
- Add URL Validation with an Alert that prevents bookmark card creation by @antonrasmussen in #119
- Fix typo by @aeramirez in #145
- Add screenshot microservice by @oxr463 in #146
- Add Navbar test and minor updates to ImportModal, Export, and Navbar by @antonrasmussen in #149
- validation on bookmarks by @R-Sandor in #154
- Fixed DockerFile for Screenshot by @R-Sandor in #156
- Fix screenshot Dockerfile and Playwright for Docker containers. by @R-Sandor in #179
- Initialize the browser before first call by @R-Sandor in #180
- Docker compose for production by @R-Sandor in #182
- ENV and SQL column sizes by @R-Sandor in #187
- Fix reset password, delete old tokens by @R-Sandor in #188
- 192 fix domain validation by @R-Sandor in #195
- Publish docker images by @oxr463 in #196
- Fix build server command by @oxr463 in #197
- Separate build steps by @oxr463 in #198
- Token expiration #120 by @R-Sandor in #199
- fix empty load by @R-Sandor in #200
- 177 server add resttemplate call to get screenshot from microservice by @R-Sandor in #202
- Bookmark screenshots are shared between services by @R-Sandor in #208
- Added screenshot mount to prod Docker Compose by @R-Sandor in #211
- Create LICENSE by @R-Sandor in #215
- Bump next from 14.2.3 to 14.2.10 in /frontend in the npm_and_yarn group across 1 directory by @dependabot in #216
- Create V1.0.2__add_scrapable_to_bookmark.sql by @vijay-kesanakurthi in #230
- feat: Replaced Gradle Kotlin Scripts with Groovy Scripts by @smzoha in #234
- feat(issue-224): update AddBkmkReq to include scrapable by @JinnJarBurger in #238
- bugfix: Update Spotless to ver 6.19.0 by @smzoha in #243
- add scrapable, default true by @R-Sandor in #245
- feat: Add scrapable check on adding Bookmark by @smzoha in #239
- Create RobotAgent record to parse robots.txt files by @joelramilison in #246
- Create WebCheckService to check robots.txt (#241) by @joelramilison in #247
- Implement robots.txt check before scraping by @joelramilison in #253
- feat: Decode Screenshot URI using URLDecoder by @smzoha in #254
- Search controller scaffolding by @joelramilison in #255
- Implement tag search (input a list of tags) by @joelramilison in #256
- feat: Update SonarQube plugin to ver by @smzoha in #258
- Add and modify files for the /about path by @GiannisPep in #259
- cleanup integration properties by @R-Sandor in #261
- Frontend/searchbar by @shravya-chepa in #262
- Hide search bar when user is not signed in by @shravya-chepa in #268
- Fix export (increasing font sizes) by @joelramilison in #269
- Added Scheduled Job for adding missing screenshot urls of scrapable bookmarks by @pisal-shubham in #271
- Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 1 directory with 7 updates by @dependabot in #274
- Refactor to sb data jdbc by @R-Sandor in #273
- Issue 226 bookmark already exist error by @Barny37 in #276
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
- Application produces JARs instead of WARs by @R-Sandor in #10
- Moderize #4 by @R-Sandor in #12
- Moderize #4 by @R-Sandor in #13
- Added new targets. by @R-Sandor in #14
- 1 create user accounts by @R-Sandor in #16
- Updated ReadMe to note docker and default accounts by @R-Sandor in #17
- Updated Package Name to by @R-Sandor in #21
- Create simple app design mode sad mode Part 1. by @R-Sandor in #22
- 23 create simple app design mode sad mode part 2 by @R-Sandor in #34
- Abilitiy to Remove Tags from a bookmark. by @R-Sandor in #44
- Switched to .orElseGet() by @R-Sandor in #46
- 47 as a user i would like tag count increase when a tag is added by @R-Sandor in #51
- Simple bookmark group by @R-Sandor in #55
- 35 as a user i can add new bookmarks by @R-Sandor in #61
- Cleanup branch by @R-Sandor in #67
- Fix case in NewBookmarkRequest import by @antonrasmussen in #112
- Fix fill rule by @antonrasmussen in #113
- Add URL Validation with an Alert that prevents bookmark card creation by @antonrasmussen in #119
- Fix typo by @aeramirez in #145
- Add screenshot microservice by @oxr463 in #146
- Add Navbar test and minor updates to ImportModal, Export, and Navbar by @antonrasmussen in #149
- validation on bookmarks by @R-Sandor in #154
- Fixed DockerFile for Screenshot by @R-Sandor in #156
- Fix screenshot Dockerfile and Playwright for Docker containers. by @R-Sandor in #179
- Initialize the browser before first call by @R-Sandor in #180
- Docker compose for production by @R-Sandor in #182
- ENV and SQL column sizes by @R-Sandor in #187
- Fix reset password, delete old tokens by @R-Sandor in #188
- 192 fix domain validation by @R-Sandor in #195
- Publish docker images by @oxr463 in #196
- Fix build server command by @oxr463 in #197
- Separate build steps by @oxr463 in #198
- Token expiration #120 by @R-Sandor in #199
- fix empty load by @R-Sandor in #200
- 177 server add resttemplate call to get screenshot from microservice by @R-Sandor in https://github.c...