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website/shared: add a markdown cache system for news post and comments
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Wessie committed Feb 26, 2024
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143 changes: 143 additions & 0 deletions website/shared/markdown.go
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@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
package shared

import (

radio ""

func NewNewsCache() *NewsCache {
return &NewsCache{
trusted: goldmark.New(
untrusted: goldmark.New(),
pool: pool.NewResetPool(func() *bytes.Buffer { return new(bytes.Buffer) }),
cache: new(util.Map[newsCacheKey, NewsMarkdown]),

type NewsMarkdown struct {
GeneratedAt time.Time
HasHiddenHTML bool
Source string
Output template.HTML

type newsCacheKey [1 + 8*2]byte

func (key newsCacheKey) PostID() radio.NewsPostID {
i := binary.NativeEndian.Uint64(key[1:])
return radio.NewsPostID(i)

func (key newsCacheKey) CommentID() radio.NewsCommentID {
i := binary.NativeEndian.Uint64(key[1+8:])
return radio.NewsCommentID(i)

const (
bodyKeyPrefix = 'b'
headerKeyPrefix = 'h'
commentKeyPrefix = 'c'

type NewsCache struct {
trusted goldmark.Markdown
untrusted goldmark.Markdown

pool *pool.ResetPool[*bytes.Buffer]
cache *util.Map[newsCacheKey, NewsMarkdown]

func (nc *NewsCache) render(md goldmark.Markdown, source string) (NewsMarkdown, error) {
buf := nc.pool.Get()
defer nc.pool.Put(buf)

err := md.Convert([]byte(source), buf)
if err != nil {
return NewsMarkdown{}, err
output := buf.String()

return NewsMarkdown{
Source: source,
Output: template.HTML(output),
HasHiddenHTML: strings.Contains(output, "<!-- raw HTML omitted -->"),
GeneratedAt: time.Now(),
}, nil

func (nc *NewsCache) loadOrRender(key newsCacheKey, md goldmark.Markdown, source string) (NewsMarkdown, error) {
res, ok := nc.cache.Load(key)
if ok {
return res, nil

res, err := nc.render(md, source)
if err != nil {
return NewsMarkdown{}, err

nc.cache.Store(key, res)
return res, nil

func (nc *NewsCache) RenderBody(post radio.NewsPost) (NewsMarkdown, error) {
key := generateCacheKey(bodyKeyPrefix, post.ID, 0)

return nc.loadOrRender(key, nc.trusted, post.Body)

func (nc *NewsCache) RenderHeader(post radio.NewsPost) (NewsMarkdown, error) {
key := generateCacheKey(headerKeyPrefix, post.ID, 0)

return nc.loadOrRender(key, nc.trusted, post.Header)

func (nc *NewsCache) RenderComment(comment radio.NewsComment) (NewsMarkdown, error) {
key := generateCacheKey(commentKeyPrefix, comment.PostID, comment.ID)

return nc.loadOrRender(key, nc.untrusted, comment.Body)

// Empty clears the cache of the post given, this clears the Body and Header cache
func (nc *NewsCache) Empty(post radio.NewsPost) {
nc.cache.Range(func(key newsCacheKey, value NewsMarkdown) bool {
if key[0] != commentKeyPrefix && key.PostID() == post.ID {
return true

// EmptyBefore removes any entries from the cache that had been generated
// before the time given
func (nc *NewsCache) EmptyBefore(t time.Time) {
nc.cache.Range(func(key newsCacheKey, value NewsMarkdown) bool {
if value.GeneratedAt.Before(t) {
return true

func generateCacheKey(prefix byte, id radio.NewsPostID, cid radio.NewsCommentID) newsCacheKey {
var key newsCacheKey

key[0] = prefix
binary.NativeEndian.PutUint64(key[1:], uint64(id))
binary.NativeEndian.PutUint64(key[1+8:], uint64(cid))

return key
251 changes: 251 additions & 0 deletions website/shared/markdown_test.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
package shared

import (

radio ""

func TestGenerateCacheKey(t *testing.T) {
a := arbitrary.DefaultArbitraries()

p := gopter.NewProperties(nil)

p.Property("generate body != header keys", a.ForAll(
func(id radio.NewsPostID) bool {
b := generateCacheKey(bodyKeyPrefix, id, 0)
h := generateCacheKey(headerKeyPrefix, id, 0)
return b != h
p.Property("generate body != comment keys", a.ForAll(
func(id radio.NewsPostID, cid radio.NewsCommentID) bool {
b := generateCacheKey(bodyKeyPrefix, id, 0)
c := generateCacheKey(commentKeyPrefix, id, cid)
return b != c
p.Property("generate header != comment keys", a.ForAll(
func(id radio.NewsPostID, cid radio.NewsCommentID) bool {
c := generateCacheKey(commentKeyPrefix, id, cid)
h := generateCacheKey(headerKeyPrefix, id, 0)
return c != h
p.Property("generate body == body keys", a.ForAll(
func(id radio.NewsPostID) bool {
b1 := generateCacheKey(bodyKeyPrefix, id, 0)
b2 := generateCacheKey(bodyKeyPrefix, id, 0)
return b1 == b2
p.Property("generate header == header keys", a.ForAll(
func(id radio.NewsPostID) bool {
h1 := generateCacheKey(headerKeyPrefix, id, 0)
h2 := generateCacheKey(headerKeyPrefix, id, 0)
return h1 == h2
p.Property("generate comment == comment keys", a.ForAll(
func(id radio.NewsPostID, cid radio.NewsCommentID) bool {
c1 := generateCacheKey(commentKeyPrefix, id, cid)
c2 := generateCacheKey(commentKeyPrefix, id, cid)
return c1 == c2
p.Property("extract body key PostID", a.ForAll(
func(id radio.NewsPostID) bool {
b := generateCacheKey(bodyKeyPrefix, id, 0)
return b.PostID() == id && b.CommentID() == 0
p.Property("extract header key PostID", a.ForAll(
func(id radio.NewsPostID) bool {
h := generateCacheKey(headerKeyPrefix, id, 0)
return h.PostID() == id && h.CommentID() == 0
p.Property("extract comment key PostID and CommentID", a.ForAll(
func(id radio.NewsPostID, cid radio.NewsCommentID) bool {
c := generateCacheKey(commentKeyPrefix, id, cid)
return c.PostID() == id && c.CommentID() == cid


func TestNewsCacheHidden(t *testing.T) {
cache := NewNewsCache()

t.Run("RenderBody", func(t *testing.T) {
post := radio.NewsPost{
ID: 50,
Body: "Hello <p>World</p>",

res, err := cache.RenderBody(post)
if assert.NoError(t, err) {
assert.True(t, res.HasHiddenHTML, "HasHiddenHTML should be true")
t.Run("RenderHeader", func(t *testing.T) {
post := radio.NewsPost{
ID: 50,
Header: "Hello <p>World</p>",

res, err := cache.RenderHeader(post)
if assert.NoError(t, err) {
assert.True(t, res.HasHiddenHTML, "HasHiddenHTML should be true")
t.Run("RenderComment", func(t *testing.T) {
comment := radio.NewsComment{
ID: 10,
PostID: 50,
Body: "Hello <p>World</p>",

res, err := cache.RenderComment(comment)
if assert.NoError(t, err) {
assert.True(t, res.HasHiddenHTML, "HasHiddenHTML should be true")

func TestNewsCacheCaching(t *testing.T) {
cache := NewNewsCache()

// a post with different data in body and header
post := radio.NewsPost{
ID: 50,
Body: "Hello World",
Header: "A Header",

// render the body
origBody, err := cache.RenderBody(post)
if assert.NoError(t, err) {
// the original and what the Source field gives us should be equal
assert.Equal(t, post.Body, origBody.Source)
// the original is plain text so should show up in the output
assert.Contains(t, origBody.Output, post.Body)

// render the header
origHeader, err := cache.RenderHeader(post)
if assert.NoError(t, err) {
// the original and what the Source field gives us should be equal
assert.Equal(t, post.Header, origHeader.Source)
// the original is plain text so should show up in the output
assert.Contains(t, origHeader.Output, post.Header)

// now try and get the same data from the cache, we make sure of this
// by only giving it the NewsPostID we used, so it can't render anything
// new if the cache fails us
emptyPost := radio.NewsPost{
ID: 50,

// check the body
cachedBody, err := cache.RenderBody(emptyPost)
if assert.NoError(t, err) {
// the one we got back from the original render
// and this second cached call should be equal
assert.Equal(t, origBody, cachedBody)

// check the header
cachedHeader, err := cache.RenderHeader(emptyPost)
if assert.NoError(t, err) {
// the one we got back from the original render
// and this second cached call should be equal
assert.Equal(t, origHeader, cachedHeader)

func TestNewsCacheEmptyBefore(t *testing.T) {
nc := NewNewsCache()

// generate a bunch of stuff to store in the cache, this tests
// will do it through the Map directly because we can't control
// the GeneratedAt field otherwise
var epoch = time.Date(2000, time.February, 22, 12, 1, 9, 0, time.UTC)

for i := radio.NewsPostID(0); i < 100; i++ {
nm, err := nc.render(nc.trusted, fmt.Sprintf("This is post nr. %d", i))
require.NoError(t, err)

// fake the time for the generated markdown
if i%2 == 0 { // half the entries get the epoch value
nm.GeneratedAt = epoch
} else { // the other half get the epoch with a day added to it
nm.GeneratedAt = epoch.Add(time.Hour * 24)

bodyKey := generateCacheKey(bodyKeyPrefix, i, 0)
headerKey := generateCacheKey(headerKeyPrefix, i, 0)
commentKey := generateCacheKey(commentKeyPrefix, i, radio.NewsCommentID(i+100)*2)

nc.cache.Store(bodyKey, nm)
nc.cache.Store(headerKey, nm)
nc.cache.Store(commentKey, nm)

var count int
// now we need to make sure all of those entries are actually in the cache, we do
// this with a simple count through a Range on the Map
nc.cache.Range(func(key newsCacheKey, value NewsMarkdown) bool {
return true

// we entered 100 entries, one for each body, header and comment so we should have
// 300 entries
require.Equal(t, 300, count)

// now we're gonna empty all entries that are before the generated time we put in
beforeTime := epoch.Add(time.Hour)

var newCount int
// now we should have half the entries
nc.cache.Range(func(key newsCacheKey, value NewsMarkdown) bool {
// and all the values should have their time after the before time
// we passed to EmptyBefore
assert.True(t, value.GeneratedAt.After(beforeTime), "GeneratedAt of leftovers should be later than our cutoff time")
return true

require.Equal(t, 150, newCount)

// now see if empty works
ID: 1,

comment1Key := generateCacheKey(commentKeyPrefix, 1, (1+100)*2)
_, ok := nc.cache.Load(comment1Key)
assert.True(t, ok, "Load for the comment key should be true")

func BenchmarkGenerateCacheKey(b *testing.B) {
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
generateCacheKey(bodyKeyPrefix, 500, 0)

func BenchmarkGenerateCacheKeyComment(b *testing.B) {
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
generateCacheKey(bodyKeyPrefix, 500, 2000)

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