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Quick Ad-Hoc Spark Cluster on DigitalOcean in 10 minutes



You need python, node, and ansible on your system.

brew install ansible
Digital Ocean account and api token

Sign up for an account and create an api token.

SSH Keys

You need an ssh key setup on digitalocean. You can create a key and place it in ~/keys/

ssh-keygen -t rsa -f do

You need to add the contents of ~/keys/ to digital ocean

  • Copy file contents into clipboard: pbcopy < ~/keys/
  • Add key: Your Digital Ocean profile > Security > SSH Keys
  • Give it the name, key-<IP>, which corresponds to your public IP address.


Get AutoSpark, which will help you create a new spark cluster.

git clone
cd AutoSpark/driver
npm install
Create a cluster
node autospark-cluster-launcher.js
# Fill in the blanks...
prompt: provider:  digitalocean
prompt: digitalocean_token: 66....
prompt: size:  large
prompt: name:  sparkparnin
prompt: ssh_private_key_path:  /Users/cjparnin/keys/do
prompt: ssh_public_key_path:  /Users/cjparnin/keys/
(needs your password for sudo)

You should see something like...

Data networks:
Data networks:
Info: IP Address of Master
Info: Spark Master at spark://

Control-C program to quit...

Setup spark with ansible

Autospark will do this for you, but it is nice to see the manual part:

cd ../Ansible/playbooks
# Configure the master node
# Configure the worker nodes

If you see issues connecting to slave nodes (seems to ask for password, then try this):

sudo vi /etc/ssh/ssh_config
StrictHostKeyChecking no
View your cluster

In a browser, go to make sure you can see a cluster with some workers.

spark cluster

Run a simple job

SSH into your master machine.

ssh -i ~/keys/do [email protected]
cd /spark/spark_latest/examples/src/main/python

Submit a job to cluster

# Set ip for locally submitted jobs
# Submit job to cluster
/spark/spark_latest/bin/spark-submit --master spark://  

Output should look something like:

16/07/14 12:58:12 INFO DAGScheduler: Job 0 finished: reduce at /spark/spark_latest/examples/src/main/python/, took 7.137977 s
Pi is roughly 3.140360


If you see:

TaskSchedulerImpl: Initial job has not accepted any resources; check your cluster UI to ensure that workers are registered and have sufficient resources

It means you're spark master cannot connect to workers, or they have refused jobs because they do not have enough memory.


You can send a rest request to cluster to submit jobs. Now from your computer, try sending a REST request with curl.

curl -X POST --header "Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8" --data '{
      "action" : "CreateSubmissionRequest",
      "appArgs" : [ "/spark/spark_latest/examples/src/main/python/" ],
      "appResource" : "file:/spark/spark_latest/examples/src/main/python/",
      "clientSparkVersion" : "1.6.2",
      "environmentVariables" : {
        "SPARK_ENV_LOADED" : "1",
        "SPARK_MASTER_IP" : ""
      "mainClass" : "org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit",
      "sparkProperties" : {
        "" : "MyJob",
        "spark.eventLog.enabled": "false",
        "spark.submit.deployMode" : "client",        
        "spark.master" : "spark://"

You can see the results in Completed Drivers, click worker link, scroll down to finished drivers, and click stdout log. (It may say state failed even though job completed ok).


Running LDA on wikipedia. Something that couldn't run on a single machine, could be done in about an hour!

8GB dataset
Parameters 15 nodes 30 nodes 45 nodes
Total Time Exited after 1.3 hour 2.1 hour 1.1 hour
Total used memory Error 60.9 GB 61 GB
Memory usage per node Error 2100 MB 1300 MB
Input per node Error 9 GB 7 GB

Shutting Down

Stop paying bills

node autospark-teardown.js


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