This repository, and PKGBUILD, should allow for building the Swift Language from source for use on Arch Linux.
The goal of this project is to combine any necessary patches with a
defintion that leads to a buildable Swift package. Any patch
that is provided here is also expected to be submitted upstream for
inclusion in the mainline repository.
$ git clone
$ cd swift-aur
$ makepkg --syncdeps --rmdeps [--install]
- The
is meant to indicate that flag is optional. Only provide it if you wish to install the resulting package.
Additionally building inside an Arch chroot is supported.
$ git clone
$ cd swift-aur
$ /usr/bin/extra-x86_64-build
There are two available options. The first is just combine the build and
install steps by running makepkg --syncdeps --rmdeps --install
The other is to use pacman
to install the resulting package from the
build (e.g., pacman -U swiftc-2.2.20160106a.r245.g162becc-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz