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RMG Version 6.0 Feature Matrix

Emil Briggs edited this page May 10, 2024 · 1 revision
Feature Current status
Ultrasoft pseudopotentials (USPP) Yes using UPF2 format.
Norm conserving pseudopotentials (NCPP) Yes using UPF2 format.
GPU accelerators AMD, Intel and Nvidia hardware fully supported.
Structure optimization Yes.
Molecular dynamics Yes including both Constant Volume and Energy and Constant Temperature and Energy.
Van der Waals using vdwDF Yes including forces. Stress for non spin polarized case.
Van der Waals using Grimme Yes including forces and stress.
Spin polarization Yes.
Non collinear magnetism Yes.
Spin orbit with USPP Yes including forces. Stress in progress.
Spin orbit with NCPP Yes including forces. Stress in progress.
DFT+U with USPP No.
DFT+U with NCPP Yes.
Exact exchange/hybrid functionals Yes. Includes gamma and kpoint implementations. Supports GAUPBE, HSE0 and PBE0.
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