Timeouter is advisory timeout helper without any background threads.
Typical usage scenario:
require 'timeouter'
Timeouter::run(3) do |t|
sleep 1 # do some work
puts t.elapsed # 1.00011811
puts t.left # 1.99985717 or nil if timeout was 0
puts t.exhausted? # false or nil if timeout was 0
puts t.running? # true
puts t.running! # true
sleep 3 # do another work
puts t.elapsed # 4.000177464
puts t.left # 0 or nil if timeout was 0
puts t.exhausted? # true or nil if timeout was 0
puts t.running? # false
puts t.running! # raise Timeouter::TimeoutError.new('execution expired')
You can pass exception class and message on creation or on checking:
Timeouter::run(1, eclass: RuntimeError, message: 'error') do |t|
sleep 2
puts t.running!(eclass: MyError, message: 'myerror')
Loop helper:
# just loop 3 seconds
Timeouter::loop(3) do |t|
puts "i'am in loop"
sleep 1
# just loop 3 seconds and raise exception then
Timeouter::loop!(3, eclass: MyError) do |t|
puts "i'am in loop and not raised yet"
sleep 1
# Break the loop after some success and retuel value
result = Timeouter::loop!(3) do |t|
puts "i'am in loop and not raised yet"
if t.elapsed > 1
puts "work done breaking loop"
break "RESULT"
sleep 1
It's a gem:
gem install timeouter
There's also the wonders of the Gemfile:
gem 'timeouter'