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Fix ament_flake8 lint issues
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iamjunyeong committed Feb 21, 2025
1 parent 78fa397 commit 8a28a5d
Showing 1 changed file with 31 additions and 47 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -16,34 +16,37 @@
# Authors: Jeonggeun Lim, Gilbert #

import sys
import math
from rclpy.node import Node
import sys

from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist
from interactive_markers import InteractiveMarkerServer
from nav_msgs.msg import Odometry
import rclpy
from visualization_msgs.msg import InteractiveMarker, InteractiveMarkerControl
from rclpy.node import Node
from rclpy.qos import QoSProfile
from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist
from nav_msgs.msg import Odometry
from tf_transformations import euler_from_quaternion, quaternion_from_euler
from tf_transformations import euler_from_quaternion
from tf_transformations import quaternion_from_euler
from visualization_msgs.msg import InteractiveMarker
from visualization_msgs.msg import InteractiveMarkerControl

class Turtlebot3InteractiveMarker(Node):

def __init__(self):

print("TurtleBot3 Interactive Markers")
print("Move red arrows while clicking the arrows")
print("Rotate with the circular handles along Z-axis")
print('TurtleBot3 Interactive Markers')
print('Move red arrows while clicking the arrows')
print('Rotate with the circular handles along Z-axis')

qos = QoSProfile(depth=10)

self.odom = Odometry()
self.goal_position = None # 이동 목표 위치
self.goal_orientation = None # 회전 목표 방향
self.goal_position = None
self.goal_orientation = None
self.cmd_vel_pub = self.create_publisher(Twist, 'cmd_vel', qos)

self.odom_sub = self.create_subscription(
Expand All @@ -54,9 +57,8 @@ def __init__(self):

self.server = InteractiveMarkerServer(self, 'turtlebot3_interactive_marker')

# 🎯 이동 컨트롤 마커 추가 (Move Control)
self.move_marker = InteractiveMarker()
self.move_marker.header.frame_id = 'odom' # odom 기준으로 이동
self.move_marker.header.frame_id = 'odom' = 'turtlebot3_move_marker'

move_control = InteractiveMarkerControl()
Expand All @@ -66,14 +68,13 @@ def __init__(self):

self.server.insert(self.move_marker, feedback_callback=self.processMoveFeedback)

# 🎯 회전 컨트롤 마커 추가 (Rotate Control)
rotate_marker = InteractiveMarker()
rotate_marker.header.frame_id = 'base_link' # odom 기준으로 회전
rotate_marker.header.frame_id = 'base_link' = 'turtlebot3_rotate_marker'

rotate_control = InteractiveMarkerControl() = 'rotate_z'
rotate_control.interaction_mode = InteractiveMarkerControl.ROTATE_AXIS # 회전 전용으로 변경
rotate_control.interaction_mode = InteractiveMarkerControl.ROTATE_AXIS
rotate_control.orientation.w = 1.0
rotate_control.orientation.x = 0.0
rotate_control.orientation.y = 1.0
Expand All @@ -84,42 +85,33 @@ def __init__(self):


# 🎯 이동 & 회전 각각의 컨트롤을 주기적으로 업데이트
self.create_timer(0.1, self.publish_cmd_vel)

def odom_callback(self, msg):
""" 현재 로봇 위치를 업데이트 """
self.odom = msg

def processMoveFeedback(self, feedback):
""" 🔹 이동 마커 조작 시 목표 위치 업데이트 """
self.goal_position = feedback.pose.position
self.goal_orientation = None # 이동 시 회전 목표는 리셋
self.goal_orientation = None

def processRotateFeedback(self, feedback):
""" 🔹 회전 마커 조작 시 목표 방향 업데이트 (선속도는 무시) """
self.goal_orientation = feedback.pose.orientation
self.goal_position = None # 회전 시 이동 목표는 리셋
self.goal_position = None


def get_yaw(self):
""" 로봇의 현재 Yaw (회전 각도) 가져오기 """
q = self.odom.pose.pose.orientation
euler = euler_from_quaternion([q.x, q.y, q.z, q.w])
return euler[2] # Yaw 값 반환
return euler[2]

def update_move_marker_pose(self):
""" 🎯 move_marker의 위치를 회전에 맞게 업데이트 """
# 현재 로봇 위치를 가져옴
current_x = self.odom.pose.pose.position.x
current_y = self.odom.pose.pose.position.y
current_yaw = self.get_yaw()

# 현재 Yaw 값을 quaternion으로 변환
new_quat = quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, current_yaw)

# move_marker의 pose 업데이트
self.move_marker.pose.position.x = current_x
self.move_marker.pose.position.y = current_y
self.move_marker.pose.orientation.x = new_quat[0]
Expand All @@ -131,10 +123,8 @@ def update_move_marker_pose(self):

def publish_cmd_vel(self):
""" 로봇이 목표 위치 or 목표 방향으로 이동하도록 cmd_vel을 지속적으로 업데이트 """
twist = Twist()

# 🎯 1. 이동 컨트롤 처리 (회전 목표가 없을 때만)
if self.goal_position is not None:
current_x = self.odom.pose.pose.position.x
current_y = self.odom.pose.pose.position.y
Expand All @@ -143,40 +133,34 @@ def publish_cmd_vel(self):
goal_x = self.goal_position.x
goal_y = self.goal_position.y

# 목표까지의 거리 계산
dx = goal_x - current_x
dy = goal_y - current_y
distance = math.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2)

# 목표에 가까우면 정지
if distance < 0.01:
self.goal_position = None # 목표 완료 후 초기화
self.goal_position = None
# 🔹 현재 회전 각도를 반영하여 로봇이 목표 방향을 향하도록 변환
forward_speed = dx * math.cos(current_yaw) + dy * math.sin(current_yaw)
lateral_speed = -dx * math.sin(current_yaw) + dy * math.cos(current_yaw)

twist.linear.x = max(-0.1, min(0.1, forward_speed)) # 전진 속도
twist.linear.y = max(-0.1, min(0.1, lateral_speed)) # 좌우 속도 반영
twist.linear.x = max(-0.1, min(0.1, forward_speed))
twist.linear.y = max(-0.1, min(0.1, lateral_speed))

# 🎯 2. 회전 컨트롤 처리 (이동 목표가 없을 때만)
elif self.goal_orientation is not None:
# 현재 Yaw 각도 계산
current_yaw = self.get_yaw()

# 목표 방향에서 Yaw 각도 추출
goal_q = self.goal_orientation
goal_euler = euler_from_quaternion([goal_q.x, goal_q.y, goal_q.z, goal_q.w])
target_yaw = goal_euler[2] # 목표 Yaw 값
target_yaw = goal_euler[2]

# Yaw 차이 계산 (음수면 시계 방향, 양수면 반시계 방향)
yaw_diff = math.atan2(math.sin(target_yaw - current_yaw), math.cos(target_yaw - current_yaw))
yaw_diff = math.atan2(
math.sin(target_yaw - current_yaw), math.cos(target_yaw - current_yaw)

# 목표에 가까우면 멈춤
if abs(yaw_diff) < 0.01:
self.goal_orientation = None # 목표 완료 후 초기화
self.goal_orientation = None
twist.angular.z = max(-0.5, min(0.5, yaw_diff)) # 각속도 조정
twist.angular.z = max(-0.5, min(0.5, yaw_diff))


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