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File metadata and controls

49 lines (39 loc) · 1.62 KB


control-lib is a C++ library that implements different tools to support the development and use of controllers and control structures.

The library includes:

  • continuous_ss, a C++ class that implements the state-space form of a linear time-invariant/time-variant/LPV continuous time system
  • discrete_ss, a C++ class that implements the state-space form of a linear time-invariant/time-variant/LPV discrete time system
  • discrete_tf, a C++ class that implements the transfer function of a discrete time system
  • discrete_FIR, a C++ class that implements the transfer function of a discrete time FIR filter
  • discrete_integrator, a C++ class that implements the transfer function of a discrete integrator using Forward Euler, Backward Euler or Trapezoidal method
  • discrete_derivative, a C++ class that implements the transfer function of a discrete derivative
  • differentiator, a C++ class that implements a robust exact differentiator

and the following controllers:

  • PID
  • Advanced Gain Scheduling

How to compile this library

The library can be easily compiled using Cmake

cd POLIMIcontrol-lib
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

and then installed in your system folders with

sudo make install

How to use this library

To use the library in a Cmake environment add the following lines to the CMakeLists.txt

find_package(POLIMIcontrol REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(<target> POLIMIcontrol)

For example, to call the library from foo.cpp and generate foo target:

find_package(POLIMIcontrol REQUIRED)
add_executable(foo src/foo.cpp)
target_link_libraries(foo POLIMIcontrol)