My objective for this project was to create and build a rock paper scissors game from scratch, and in doing so, demonstrate my understanding of various coding practices, including dry javascript, event delegation, the difference between the data model itself and how that data is displayed in the DOM, and general independent problem-solving capabilities. My project consists of three main files and an asset folder, containing images displayed on the webpage. The three main files consist of an HTML file, which provides the overall structure of the page, a CSS file, which provides the styling, and a Javascript file, which provides the overall functionality.
This project also includes local data storage, meaning that one's wins will be recorded, as will the opponent's, which was quite tough to implement on time! I would consider the project as a whole a win for me as well, as I had to scrap what I had and restart around two and a half days into the project. Hopefully this will be the last time something like that happens!
To set this up, one simply needs to download the files included, then open the index.html webpage in their browser.