The OakDInterface class manages the operation of the package
First, the OAK-D is configured using the OakDPipeline class. The desired parameters can be configured in the lib/oakd_pipeline.cpp file (information available at:
Images are published using the following classes. Its configuration is done through the oak.launch file:
- OakDTaskMono class (lib/oakd_task_mono.cpp file): Publish Stereo Images
- OakDTaskRectified class (lib/oakd_task_rectified.cpp file): Publish Stereo Rectified Images
- OakDTaskDepth class (lib/oakd_task_depth.cpp file): Publish Depth Images
- OakDTaskColor class (lib/oakd_task_color.cpp file): Publish RGB/BGR Images
For the use of a network with inference in the color camera:
- Set .blob file path and network configuration in oak.launch file
- Change in OakDTaskColorNeuralInference class (lib/oakd_task_color_neural_inference.cpp file) the desired label_map
For the use of a network with inference in stereo cameras:
- Set .blob file path and network configuration in oak.launch file
- Change in OakDTaskStereoNeuralInference class (lib/oakd_task_stereo_neural_inference.cpp file) the desired label_map
To add new features named TASK:
In include/oak_interface/oakd_task.hpp:
- Add publish_TASK at OakPublishList to enable it in oak.launch
- Add use_TASK at OakUseList with OAK-D nodes needed
- Add inx_TASK at OakQueueIndex with OAK-D information needed
In lib/oakd_interface.hpp:
- Add publish_TASK in OakDInterface::read_param to read from oak.launch
- Add use_TASK in OakDInterface::create_use_list to use all OAK-D nodes needed
- Add OakDTaskTASK class in OakDInterface::ownSetUp to add it to tasks_list_
In oakd_pipeline.cpp:
- Make the desired configuration
- Configure streams_queue pipeline
Create OakDTaskTASK class that inherits from OakDTask (oakd_task.hpp). It has to override the methods:
- void start(ros::NodeHandle& nh);
- void run(std::vector<std::shared_ptrdai::DataOutputQueue>& streams_queue, OakQueueIndex& queue_index, std_msgs::Header header);
- Where: streams_queue is OAK-D information queue and queue_index are their index in the queue
- void stop();