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Visualizing Network Results
The SeaCast model uses Emme software to run network assignments and store results. The summary model component of the SeaCast creates a new Emme bank, called Daily, where it combines the necessary assignment results. The table below list the link level variables available in banks to visualize.
There are two types of Emme bank. The first type is the bank that is used to carry out assignments and there are 12 such banks for each time period. The second is the daily bank that contains the summary of the assignment results aggregated at the daily level.
Attribute | Description | Data Type |
id | link identifier | String |
isAccess | access connector flag | Bool |
isEgress | egress connector flag | Bool |
isConnector | connector flag | Bool |
isOneWay | one-way link flag | Bool |
isAuto | auto mode flag | Bool |
isTransit | transit mode flag | Bool |
isAuxTransit | auxiliary transit mode flag | Bool |
isAuxAuto | auxiliary auto mode flag | Bool |
isActive | active link flag | Bool |
isIActive | active I-node flag | Bool |
isJActive | active J-node flag | Bool |
length | link length | Float |
type | link type | Integer |
modes | link modes | Modes |
lanes | number of lanes | Float |
vdf | volume-delay function index | Integer |
ul1 | capacity per lane | Float |
ul2 | posted speed | Float |
ul3 | facility type | Float |
@facilitytype | Facility type | Float |
@countyid | county fips code | Float |
@countid | count ids for validation | Float |
@corridorid | corridor id for validation | Float |
@is_managed | flag for HOV managed lane | Float |
@toll1 | Toll for income level 1 | Float |
@toll2 | Toll for income level 2 | Float |
@toll3 | Toll for income level 3 | Float |
@trkc1 | Toll for truck level 1 | Float |
@trkc2 | Toll for truck level 2 | Float |
@trkc3 | Toll for truck level 3 | Float |
@subarea_flag | flag if link belongs to SeaTac model region | Float |
@rdly | arterial delay | Float |
@sov_inc1 | SOV Income Level 1 | Float |
@sov_inc2 | SOV Income Level 2 | Float |
@sov_inc3 | SOV Income Level 3 | Float |
@hov2_inc1 | HOV 2 Income Level 1 | Float |
@hov2_inc2 | HOV 2 Income Level 2 | Float |
@hov2_inc3 | HOV 2 Income Level 3 | Float |
@hov3_inc1 | HOV 3 Income Level 1 | Float |
@hov3_inc2 | HOV 3 Income Level 2 | Float |
@hov3_inc3 | HOV 3 Income Level 3 | Float |
@tnc_inc1 | TNC Level 1 | Float |
@tnc_inc2 | TNC Level 2 | Float |
@tnc_inc3 | TNC Level 3 | Float |
@medium_truck | Medium Trucks (PCE, factor of 1.5) | Float |
@heavy_truck | Heavy Trucks (PCE, factor of 2) | Float |
@trnv3 | Transit Vehicles | Float |
@tveh | total vehicles | Float |
@mveh | medium trucks (actual) | Float |
@hveh | heavy trucks (actual) | Float |
@dveh | delivery trucks | Float |
@vmt | vmt | Float |
@vht | vht | Float |
@trnv | buses in auto equivalents | Float |
@ovol | observed volume | Float |
@bveh | number of buses | Float |
@bvol | bike volume | Float |
el1 | extra link function parameter 1 (=@rdly) | Float |
el2 | extra link function parameter 2 (=@trnv3) | Float |
volau | auto volume (pce) | Float |
volad | additional volume (pce) | Float |
timau | auto times (mins) | Float |
speedau | auto speed (mph) | Float |
volax | auxiliary transit volume | Float |
angle | link bearing in degrees | Float |
idr | link identifier of reverse link | String |
lengthr | link length of reverse link | Float |
typer | link type of reverse link | Integer |
modesr | link modes of reverse link | Modes |
lanesr | number of lanes of reverse link | Float |
vdfr | volume-delay function index of reverse link | Integer |
ul1r | capacity per lane | Float |
ul2r | posted speed | Float |
ul3r | facility type | Float |
xi | x-coordinate of I-node | Float |
yi | y-coordinate of I-node | Float |
label | node label of I-node | String |
ui1 | node user data 1 of I-node | Float |
ui2 | node user data 2 of I-node | Float |
ui3 | node user data 3 of I-node | Float |
inboa | initial boardings of I-node | Float |
fiali | final alightings of I-node | Float |
@lr_walk | of I-node | Float |
@hdwfr | of I-node | Float |
@wait | of I-node | Float |
@invt | of I-node | Float |
idj | node identifier of J-node | String |
xj | x-coordinate of J-node | Float |
yj | y-coordinate of J-node | Float |
labelj | node label of J-node | String |
uj1 | node user data 1 of J-node | Float |
uj2 | node user data 2 of J-node | Float |
uj3 | node user data 3 of J-node | Float |
inboaj | initial boardings of J-node | Float |
fialij | final alightings of J-node | Float |
@lr_walkj | of J-node | Float |
@hdwfrj | of J-node | Float |
@waitj | of J-node | Float |
@invtj | of J-node | Float |
fd1 | volume-delay function fd | Float |
fd3 | volume-delay function fd | Float |
fd5 | volume-delay function fd | Float |
fd7 | volume-delay function fd | Float |
fd9 | volume-delay function fd | Float |
fd10 | volume-delay function fd | Float |
fd31 | volume-delay function fd | Float |
fd40 | volume-delay function fd | Float |
shape_length | link shape length | Float |
ca_nlines_l | Number of transit lines on link | Float |
ca_trveh_l | Number of transit vehicles per hour | Float |
ca_caps_l | Seated capacity of all lines on link | Float |
ca_capt_l | Total capacity of all transit lines on link | Float |
ca_voltr_l | Total transit volume on link | Float |
Attribute | Description | Data Type |
id | link identifier | String |
isAccess | access connector flag | Bool |
isEgress | egress connector flag | Bool |
isConnector | connector flag | Bool |
isOneWay | one-way link flag | Bool |
isAuto | auto mode flag | Bool |
isTransit | transit mode flag | Bool |
isAuxTransit | auxiliary transit mode flag | Bool |
isAuxAuto | auxiliary auto mode flag | Bool |
isActive | active link flag | Bool |
isIActive | active I-node flag | Bool |
isJActive | active J-node flag | Bool |
length | link length | Float |
type | link type | Integer |
modes | link modes | Modes |
lanes | number of lanes | Float |
vdf | volume-delay function index | Integer |
ul1 | capacity per lane | Float |
ul2 | posted speed | Float |
ul3 | facility type | Float |
@tveh | total daily vehicles (auto + trucks) | Float |
@v5to6 | total vehicles (auto + trucks) for 5to6 | Float |
@v6to7 | total vehicles (auto + trucks) for 6to7 | Float |
@v7to8 | total vehicles (auto + trucks) for 7to8 | Float |
@v8to9 | total vehicles (auto + trucks) for 8to9 | Float |
@v9to10 | total vehicles (auto + trucks) for 9to10 | Float |
@v10to14 | total vehicles (auto + trucks) for 10to14 | Float |
@v14to15 | total vehicles (auto + trucks) for 14to15 | Float |
@v15to16 | total vehicles (auto + trucks) for 15to16 | Float |
@v16to17 | total vehicles (auto + trucks) for 16to17 | Float |
@v17to18 | total vehicles (auto + trucks) for 17to18 | Float |
@v18to20 | total vehicles (auto + trucks) for 18to20 | Float |
@v20to5 | total vehicles (auto + trucks) for 20to5 | Float |
## Visualizations
Bently provides many resources that can be used for visualization. These resouces can be found at https://learning.bentley.com/pages/19/home. Please enroll and complete the course "Worksheet Customization" which will guide you in how to visualizae network in Emme.
The wiki describes the basic theory and process to use SeaCast for travel modeling applications.
- Overview
- Daysim Person Trip Demand
- Network Assignment
- Submodels
- Other Documentation Resources
- Technical Documents
- Overview Presentation
- Design Presenation
- Install
- Setup
- Run
- Interpret Results
- Python Tips for Working with Data
- Make Special Summaries
- Cloud Information
- Troubleshooting
- 2014 Estimation
- Calibration and Validation
- Older Calibration
- Notes on Latest Code and Inputs