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Script to find point's position with Yandex Geocoder service.

Attention! It's only availiable in Russian (temporarily)

Before start

This program is intended to be used with command line so you should check if you have Node.js installed on your machine before using it.

In order to use this program you need to get API Key from Yandex Developer Cabinet and insert it in ./package.json file int line called 'apikey'.

Lastly, you need to copy and paste your CSV/TSV file contents (file with your addresses) into ./src/static/data/addresses.tsv.

NOTE: If this file is not empty - remove everything before pasting your data. Otherwise program will fetch & output both - the existed data in file + what you've pasted.


Before start you should choose from withDelay and withoutDelay versions. It's important to know that withDelay doesn't overwrites result file but appends new lines + it catches errors while withoutDelay lacks these opportunities (however it creates 'middle files' such as converted, responsed and filtered jsons comparing back to withDelay).

After you've chosen the version, you can call one of them in further way:

Before running any version:

  • in your code editor or command line utility, change directory to geocoder-find-position folder
  • type npm i in console to install dependencies

if withDelay:

  • type npm run onerunner in console to fetch data and get your CSV

if withoutDelay:

  • type npm run result in console to fetch data and get your CSV
    • or (use strictly in furthermentioned order):
      • type npm run convert in console to achieve converted JSON file of your addresses (from inital file of addresses)
      • type npm run position in console to get a JSON with all responses from Yandex Geocoder
      • type npm run filter in console to get a JSON filtered by request name, response name, lat and lon
      • type npm run csv in console to convert filtered JSON to CSV


For both versions of program you will find results in ./src/static/data/result.csv.
For withDelay you will additionally find occurred errors written in ./src/static/data/errors.csv.


Geocoder app to convert addresses into coordinates







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