A simple engine for combination games. For a personal challenge, all the code is placed in the same file, you can see the code on GameScreen.java.
The engine works with a rules file witch you can define items and combination rules for all you wish to do in the game.
An important note's that I haven't implemented any logics to put items on the screen, so you will need to edit the show method in GameScreen.java to add items on the screen. For tests, I have created an debug code to add items on screen...
Item item = manager.createItem(itemName);
The rules file syntax is separated for 3 sections:
- Item declaration (Used to define the item's name and texture)
- Combination rules (Defines the recipes of the items)
- Dynamic script (Used to automate the rules with JavaScript)
Each section have an tag that defines the start of it's content:
After each tag you have to use the respective statement:
item1: texture1.png
item2: texture2.png
item3: texture3.png
It creates 3 items, named "item1", "item2" and "Item3", and defines each item texture.
item3: item1, item2
Finally, it says for the "engine" that the item3 is the result of the combination for item1 and item3.
The dynamic scripts can do all the thing of the "#items:" and "#rules:", bud with JavaScript:
//Create items
dynamic.createItem('item1', 'texture1.png')
dynamic.createItem('item2', 'texture2.png')
dynamic.createItem('item3', 'texture3.png')
//Create rule "item3 = item1 + item2"
dynamic.createRule('item3', 'item1', 'item2')
The advantage of the dynamic scripts is to easily automate the things... for example:
//Create items
for (let i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
dynamic.createItem('item'+i, 'texture'+i+'.png')
//Create rule "item3 = item1 + item2"
dynamic.createRule('item3', 'item1', 'item2')
The dynamic object has 3 methods:
- createItem(name, texture)
- createRule(result, a, b)
- getItemNames()
NOTE: the getItemNames() returns a java.util.List
of String, and you need to consider it when use, because the Java and the JavaScript has different methods and properties on the lists.
ANOTHER NOTE: The textures needs to be placed on the assets folder, or in a sub-directory, absolute paths aren't supported.