This is my basic project so far in Java. It was a long project for my Intro to Programming course and required me to apply everything I learned from the beginning. The assignment was to create an application that would meet all the listed criteria and be grand in scope. The expectation was to build an application that was functioning and free of errors, but it did not necessarily have to be a finished product. This allowed me to create a program with a strong foundation of OOP and also left room for further improvements that can be revisited in the future.
- Scanner Class
- Variables and Constant
- Switch Statements
- Conditional Statements and Operators
- Operators (logical,arithmetic, assignment)
- Sting Class method
- Math Class Method
- Loop
- Method Passing Arguments by Values
- Method Overloading
- Array Methods
- Method Overriding
- Add Multiple Class
- Create an Object
- Constructor
- Using java inbuilt Libraries such as scanner , Random, date etc
- Println and printf
- using .this and this()
I used KanbanFlow, a workflow management tool, to help organize and monitor my progress throughout the project pipeline. Although I worked individually in creating this application, I still found KanbanFlow to be a very useful way to keep myself in check despite it usually being used for group projects.
- Finish Custom PC Builder Class
- Finish Glossary Class
- Add more PC parts such as peripherals, monitors, fans, and other accessories
- Develop a way to dynamically retrieve prices from retailers such as Amazon, BestBuy, and NewEgg (SQL)
- Ability to create a build based on a specific game such as Fortnite, CS:GO, and COD: Warzone