PowrLingo is a dynamic web application designed to empower language learners. With PowrLingo, users can engage in immersive language practice, participate in friendly competitions, and strive for the top position on our leaderboard.
Before setting up the frontend, ensure you have the following prerequisites installed:
- Clone this repository to your local machine.
- Navigate to the project directory.
- Run the following command to install dependencies:
npm install
No specific configuration is required for the frontend. However, ensure that your frontend communicates with the correct backend API endpoints.
To start the development server, run:
npm run dev
We welcome contributions! You can reach me at [email protected]
React + Vite
This template provides a minimal setup to get React working in Vite with HMR and some ESLint rules.
Currently, two official plugins are available:
- @vitejs/plugin-react uses Babel for Fast Refresh
- @vitejs/plugin-react-swc uses SWC for Fast Refresh