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🏄‍♂️ Hi 👋, I'm Ryan

Digital Craftsman (Developer/Filmmaker/Creator)

I'm an indie developer and content creator from Bangladesh building my version of the digital world one step at a time. All coding projects are built from the ground up, from planning and designing all the way to solving real-life problems with code. All video content is built the same way, from ideation and planning, all the way to finalizing the content with artistic touches. I publish that content on my Hobbyist YouTube channel.

  • 🔭 I’m currently learning Unity Godot
  • 📫 How to reach me [email protected]

  • 👨‍💻 All of my projects are available here

  • ⚡ Fun fact I can speak three different languages fluently.

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Ryan's Coding Journey

I started my coding journey as a naive Physics student with a passion to learn how something work. My passion of discovery took me to find out how some logic gates could do such complex things. In search for the answer I found myself at the doorsteps of NandToTetris & Unity Godot And I fell in love with computer hardware & software. Soon I had a dream to make my own useful apps & inspiring games. A desire that landed me at the doorsteps of learning Unity Godot. However, I had another desire I had been pursuing throughout this time - YouTube content creation. I have a burning desire to get back on the horse, and fulfill that dream younger me had of building my own app, my own product.

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