A console snake game written in C using only the standard library.
I challenged myself to write a program being stripped of
the ability to use convenient external libraries, fancy algorithms and OOP.
The resulting source code is not to be read by the faint of heart.
- The source should be cross-platform
- The program should be a console-only application
- The game should have an A.I. to play itself
- Do not use external, non-standard libraries (ncurses, conio.h, ...)
- Do not use OS-specific API wrappers (except for standard library ones)
- Enjoy the countless opportunities to experience the
segfaults and memory corruptionswonders of C
- The most efficient way to code snake in C
- A showcase of the best programming practices
- Something pretty to look at (I have other projects for that)
Compile using the C99 standard specifying src/main.c
as the source.