The Onfido API is used to submit check requests.
This PHP package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 3.0.0
- Package version: 6.3.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PhpClientCodegen
PHP 7.3 and later
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
"require": {
"onfido/api-php-client": "^6.3.0"
Then run composer install
Download the files and include autoload.php
To run the unit tests:
composer install
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
// Configure API key authorization: Token
$config = Onfido\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration();
$config->setApiKey('Authorization', 'token=' . 'YOUR API KEY');
$config->setApiKeyPrefix('Authorization', 'Token');
// Limit the at-rest region, if needed (optional, see
// $config->setHost($config->getHostFromSettings(1, array("region" => "eu")));
$apiInstance = new Onfido\Api\DefaultApi(null, $config);
// Setting applicant details
$applicantDetails = new Onfido\Model\ApplicantRequest();
$address = new \Onfido\Model\Address();
$address->setStreet('Main Street');
$address->setPostcode('SW4 6EH');
// Setting check details
$checkData = new Onfido\Model\CheckRequest();
// Create an applicant and then a check with an Identity report
try {
$applicantResult = $apiInstance->createApplicant($applicantDetails);
$applicantId = $applicantResult->getId();
print_r("Applicant ID: ".$applicantId);
$checkResult = $apiInstance->createCheck($checkData);
} catch (Exception $e) {
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
DefaultApi | cancelReport | POST /reports/{report_id}/cancel | This endpoint is for cancelling individual paused reports. |
DefaultApi | createApplicant | POST /applicants | Create Applicant |
DefaultApi | createCheck | POST /checks | Create a check |
DefaultApi | createWebhook | POST /webhooks | Create a webhook |
DefaultApi | deleteWebhook | DELETE /webhooks/{webhook_id} | Delete a webhook |
DefaultApi | destroyApplicant | DELETE /applicants/{applicant_id} | Delete Applicant |
DefaultApi | downloadDocument | GET /documents/{document_id}/download | Download a documents raw data |
DefaultApi | downloadLivePhoto | GET /live_photos/{live_photo_id}/download | Download live photo |
DefaultApi | downloadLiveVideo | GET /live_videos/{live_video_id}/download | Download live video |
DefaultApi | editWebhook | PUT /webhooks/{webhook_id} | Edit a webhook |
DefaultApi | findAddresses | GET /addresses/pick | Search for addresses by postcode |
DefaultApi | findApplicant | GET /applicants/{applicant_id} | Retrieve Applicant |
DefaultApi | findCheck | GET /checks/{check_id} | Retrieve a Check |
DefaultApi | findDocument | GET /documents/{document_id} | A single document can be retrieved by calling this endpoint with the document’s unique identifier. |
DefaultApi | findLivePhoto | GET /live_photos/{live_photo_id} | Retrieve live photo |
DefaultApi | findLiveVideo | GET /live_videos/{live_video_id} | Retrieve live video |
DefaultApi | findReport | GET /reports/{report_id} | A single report can be retrieved using this endpoint with the corresponding unique identifier. |
DefaultApi | findWebhook | GET /webhooks/{webhook_id} | Retrieve a Webhook |
DefaultApi | frameLiveVideo | GET /live_videos/{live_video_id}/frame | Download live video frame |
DefaultApi | generateSdkToken | POST /sdk_token | Generate a SDK token |
DefaultApi | listApplicants | GET /applicants | List Applicants |
DefaultApi | listChecks | GET /checks | Retrieve Checks |
DefaultApi | listDocuments | GET /documents | List documents |
DefaultApi | listLivePhotos | GET /live_photos | List live photos |
DefaultApi | listLiveVideos | GET /live_videos | List live videos |
DefaultApi | listReports | GET /reports | All the reports belonging to a particular check can be listed from this endpoint. |
DefaultApi | listWebhooks | GET /webhooks | List webhooks |
DefaultApi | restoreApplicant | POST /applicants/{applicant_id}/restore | Restore Applicant |
DefaultApi | resumeCheck | POST /checks/{check_id}/resume | Resume a Check |
DefaultApi | resumeReport | POST /reports/{report_id}/resume | This endpoint is for resuming individual paused reports. |
DefaultApi | updateApplicant | PUT /applicants/{applicant_id} | Update Applicant |
DefaultApi | uploadDocument | POST /documents | Upload a document |
DefaultApi | uploadLivePhoto | POST /live_photos | Upload live photo |
- Address
- AddressesList
- ApplicantRequest
- ApplicantResponse
- ApplicantsList
- CheckRequest
- CheckResponse
- ChecksList
- DocumentResponse
- DocumentsList
- Error
- ErrorProperties
- IdNumber
- LivePhotoResponse
- LivePhotosList
- LiveVideo
- LiveVideosList
- Location
- Report
- ReportDocument
- ReportsList
- SdkTokenRequest
- SdkTokenResponse
- WebhookRequest
- WebhookResponse
- WebhooksList
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Authorization
- Location: HTTP header