We've almost forgotten them, the good old HTML colours. Still, I use them a lot when prototyping. I love to quickly type colours such as "tomato", "royalblue" or "forestgreen". And for immediately spotting an element in Firebug while keeping its text legible, nothing beats "background: gold".
I've created this app because all the lists of HTM colours I could find on the web were pretty ancient and looked the part. Clunky tables and no way to quickly filter them. So to breathe new life into something I like to use every now and again, I've created this web app in AngularJS, jQuery and Bootstrap.
This project is part of my Playground - a collection of fun (and dare I say it: clever) stuff I made in the past, from jQuery games and plugins to CSS animation tricks.
See it in action: http://rayhyde.github.io/htmlcolours/
This project is part of my Playground - a collection of fun (and dare I say it: clever) stuff I made in the past, from jQuery games and plugins to CSS animation tricks.
Please drop in on my portfolio site www.rayhyde.nl!