This is an unofficial implementation of Stripe payment system with SolidJS.
The basic reference is Solid Stripe, the 3rd-party package which implements Stripe on SolidJS.
See details on the Solid Stripe website.
$ cd stripeClient
$ npm start
If the dependencies have not been resolved, you should install them:
$ cd stripeClient
$ npm i
$ cd stripeServer
$ python
For running webhook on your local testing, you need Stripe CLI.
If you already has installed Stripe CLI, run the following command on your Stripe directory:
$ .\stripe listen --forward-to localhost:4242/webhook
If it runs correctly, it will give you such message and an endpoint_secret.
$ Ready! You are using Stripe API Version [YYYY-MM-DD]. Your webhook signing secret is <whsec_...> (^C to quit)