#Versa News
##Overview: Versa News allows users to browse through their favorite Vice articles and videos with style. Versa allows users to browse any category of their choice, as well as view and share articles with their friends on Facebook and Twitter. Versa also allows users to search by tags to fast-track their news-reading experience. Versa's dynamic theme brings to life the dynamic culture that made Vice so popular in the first place, and hopes to live up to all expectations set before it.
- Viewing of Vice articles and videos.
- Facebook and Twitter sharing.
- Search feature.
- Custom 'Versa' launcher icon.
- Utilized YouTube API to get Vice specific videos (Noisey channel).
- Has a notification when articles refresh.
- Does not crash when there is no network connection.
- Categories are color coded, with dynamic themes.
- Animations between views.
- NavDrawer allows for quick navigation between tabs.
###Key Technologies:
- YouTube API
- Facebook API
- Twitter API
- Vice API
- Rashad Cureton
- Jackie Ho
- Robert Errera
- Yanni Psitos
- Minor layout issues when using different phones.
- Memory issues present (sometimes) when rapidly scrolling.
- Twitter's share feature is missing direct links because of lack of' whitelisting' from Twitter. (May be implemented in the future)