This repository contains bash scripts to deploy virtual machines and later create a Kubernetes cluster from them
To configure deployment:
- Edit
to your needs - Start
- I recommend using kubespray to install k8s. My configuration is included in kubespray/inventory/cluster.
My kubespray configuration uses: flannel, metallb, dashboard and local-path-provisioner - You MUST change node IP addresses in
to IPs returned byterraform output
- To start kubespray:
cd kubespray
ansible-playbook -i inventory/cluster/inventory.ini --user cmemb --become --become-user=root --private-key ~/.ssh/id_rsa cluster.yml
P.S. Util scripts containing virsh
calls sudo
inside because installation uri is qemu:///system
(Can be changed in libvirt conviguration in
Networking is done via creating new network kube
and IP distribution is done via dhcp4
It can lead to problems with MetalLB.
If you want to use MetalLB with different ip range, than of kube
subnet, you must do necessary routing by yourself. This repository doesn't cover it (yet)
If you don't want to - just specify address range matching the one of subnet. You can find MetalLB configuration in kubespray/inventory/cluster/group_vars/addons.yml
or you can change it later via kubectl edit configmap -n metallb-system config
P.S.S. MetalLB Readiness probe may be failing due to: strconv.Atoi: parsing "metrics": invalid syntax (but the pods are working eventually, haven't worked it out yet)
Everything here is a subject to change Reasoning behind this repo is basically to store history of my attempts in creating personal cluster (Many of which are forever erased)
You're free to use any of these! I hope these snippets of mine will help somebody)
Kubespray is licensed under Apache 2.0 License