Releases: ReactionMechanismGenerator/ARC
Releases · ReactionMechanismGenerator/ARC
ARC Version 1.1.0
New features:
- Project name validity check #58
- Added Free Rotors #59
- Report the git head in the log file #63
- Determine rotor symmetry using a cyclic energy scan list #66
- Improve SGE submit file #68
- Improved restart #64
- Parse xyz for a species from file #70
- Troubleshoot conformer jobs if they all fail #77
- Changed rotor inconsistency_ab #78
- Don't crush ARC if it couldn't troubleshoot a job #79
- Make xyz to 2D more robust (catch errors) #80
- Check isomorphism for conformers #84
- Improve submit files #81
- Troubleshoot rotor scans #85
- Generate resonance structures before checking molecule isomorphism #87
- Standardize xyz #88
- Copy the frequency output file for a TS #89
- Save the generated conformers in the species geometry folder #90
- Allow nonisomorphic 2d #91
- Improved management and report of job time #94
- Don't use applyAtomEnergyCorrections for kinetics #95
- Fix to xyz/2D loading and atom reordering in ARCSpecies #96
- Preserve multiplicity throughout Species representations #99
- Archive log and restart files #97
- Run and save molecular orbitals #102
- Allow ARCSpecies to be initialized with a conformer list file #104
- Set default max stepsize for optimization in Gaussian #108
- Save unconverged species (labels) #98
- Use the Gaussian check file #100
- Allow birad singlet to be defined and run as unrestricted #114
- Update determine_qm_software to new Arkane #111
- Calculating Lennard-Jones coefficients #117
- Allow the user to define adaptive levels of theory (by heavy atoms) #119
- Set the 1d_rotors settings directive to True by default #121
- Updated submit scripts #123
- Allow defining a TS species simply with .xyz guesses #124
- Save conformer jobs in the restart file #125
- Parse Molpro frequencies #127
- Run ARC on a server #128
- Activate the job_types flags for opt, freq, and sp #132
- Modifications to how the model chemistry is treated to be consistent with Arkane #134
- Organized job memory handling #137
- Consider the requested job types for species already defined with xyz #139
- Added a ZPE/freq scaling factor script to utils #136
- Added a function to save an input file (and not run ARC on spot) #140
- Added some Job methods and reorganized init #142
- Added NIST to kinetics plots (off by default) #146
- A new way of thinking about conformers #143
- Improved ESS troubleshooting #147
- Adapt Processor to the new Arkane output #148
- Added ARC's documentation #152
Bug fixes:
- Plot kinetics even if no RMG reaction matches #62
- Treat same scan point at 0 and 360 deg correctly #67
- Fix bug with loading molecule statmech during Rate jobs #73
- If statement in model chemistry #101
- Don't lose track of jobs in 'qw' status on SGE #103
- Don't overwrite self.mol if self.mol_from_xyz is None #106
- Remove extra parentheses in gaussian input file #120
- Don't run a fine opt in Molpro #122
- Set the memory per cpu slightly higher than the ESS memory #144
- File compatibility with MAC OS (skip .DS_Store files) #145
- Improved ARC's sleeping habits when experiencing connection errors #149
- Minor conformers/xyz files fixes #150
- Correcly move the Arkane YAML file #151
- #109:
- Added
to .gitignore - Allow users to specify the number of cpu's to use per server
- Download additional info re failed jobs (out.txt, err.txt, slurm.out)
- Don't run orbitals jobs by default
- Make servers in ess_settings a list
- Allow users to specify a
dictionary associating levels of theory (or partial phrases of methods or basis sets) with an ESS - Added ess_settings to instead of the API
- Tests: functions in main
- Additional minor fixes
- Added
- #112:
- Load ess_settings correctly from dict
- Improved species logging in project info file
- Don't plot kinetics if it is None
- Improved error message if rxn energetics are problematic
- Added min_list() to Scheduler
- Improve converter xyz functions
- Improved xyz handeling in Species (
can now be a list)
- #133:
- Updated isomorphic species check method name in rmgdb
- Corrected local server check
- Updated ESS check function name in iPython notebook
- #141:
- Added an iPy notebook with an xyz to SMILES script
- Don't load the RMG database if not necessary
- #109:
New dependencies:
- scikit-learn #116