Knative source to sink service to trigger steps upon cluster (OCM) registration
PHYSICS has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101017047.
The steps to deploy it are:
- Create the namespace, sa, role and role binding:
oc apply -f deploy/001-namespace.yaml
oc apply -f deploy/002-rbac.yaml
- Deploy the sink application handling the events:
oc apply -f deploy/003-secret.yaml # update the secret yaml file accordingly
oc apply -f deploy/004-sink.yaml
Note you need to change the container image by the one where your actual sink is located
- [optional] instead of deploying a normal Kubernetes service/deployment, there is an option to deploy a knative service too, so that the application is scaled to 0 when not used, since cluster registration is sporadic action and this could lead to saving resources
oc apply -f deploy/003-secret.yaml # update the secret yaml file accordingly
oc apply -f deploy/004b-sink.yaml
- Create the knative ApiServerSource by running the commant:
kn source apiserver physics-apiserversource \
--namespace physics-cluster-registration \
--mode "Resource" \
--resource "ManagedCluster:v1" \
--service-account physics-cr-sa \
--sink http://cluster-registration.physics-cluster-registration.svc.cluster.local
# or --sink ksvc:cluster-registration
or directly create the CRD if created with 003b-sink option (knative service)
oc apply -f deploy/005-apiserversource.yaml
Receive the notification event about a new cluster being registered
Obtains the cluster name
Deploy a specific application and service in the remote cluster
Get the IP of the service and call the RF with the cluster name and the service IP
To build the a new image of the sink application, just run:
$ docker build -t -f Dockerfile .
$ docker login -u myuser
$ docker push