Metasistis phenotype according to Mismatch repair status: a pancancer analysis from the MSK-MET study
Objective: to evaluate the frequency of metastasis number and metastasis burden in tumors with and without microsatellite instability
Source of the input file:
R version 4.2 or greater
R libraries:
readxl, tidyverse, ggplot2, and ggpubr
R project object. Start the analysis by opening this file. Then, call the PanCancer.R script inside this project.
Attention: Do not perform the analysis by opening the PanCancer.R script outside the R project object!
Supplementaty table from the MSK-MET
Files generated using the Pancancer.R script
Script used to generate the tables and graphs related to metastasis phenotype between MSI and MSS tumors from different tumor types.