this is a simple shell script which will tar up folders/files at the os level, and tar a dump of a mysql database and upload it to amazon s3 using s3cmd.
Download the zip of s3cmd to /opt, and install it.
wget -O- -q | sudo apt-key add -;
sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/s3tools.list;
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install s3cmd python-dateutil unzip -y;
sudo useradd s3backups -m -s /usr/sbin/nologin;
The shell script needs to be cloned or copied into /opt/
and chown
to root:root
sudo -i /bin/zsh; #login as root
git clone /opt/backup
chown -R s3backups:s3backups /opt/backup && chmod -R 750 /opt/backup && chmod g+s /opt/backup;
#fix the permissions
chown -R s3backups:s3backups /opt/backup && chmod -R 750 /opt/backup;
The command s3cmd --configure
will create the .s3cfg
file we need, but it needs to go in root's homedir and not ours.
You can either run the command and move the config file. Or sudo -i /bin/bash
to run bash as root and then run it.
#login as root.
sudo -i /bin/zsh
s3cmd --configure; mv -f ~/.s3cfg /opt/backup/.s3cfg && chown s3backups:s3backups /opt/backup/.s3cfg && chmod 750 /opt/backup/.s3cfg;
#to test stuff works either sudo -u as s3backups or as root..
sudo -u s3backups s3cmd ls s3://<bucket> -c /opt/backup/.s3cfg;
#should list out bucket contents.
login to mysql cli as root and run the following sql statements, replace the PASSWORD with a real one.
GRANT LOCK TABLES, SELECT ON *.* TO 'backup'@'localhost';
This example policy gives the s3 user get, put, delete permissions to the bucket and list bucket permissions to the s3 account. It will basically provide the s3 user access to upload, delete, and download into their bucket only.
"Version": "2008-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "Stmt1414634934647",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::643101087670:user/someuser_s3"
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
"Sid": "Stmt1414634980626",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::643101087670:user/someuser_s3"
"Action": [
"Resource": ""
sudo mv database.sample.cnf database.cnf;
sudo mv backup.sample.cfg backup.cfg;
edit database.cnf
with this new user/password, and the hostname if mysql isn't on the same host.
edit backup.cfg
and fill in the following info..
- SENDTOEMAIL: Email address to send backup alerts to
- MANDRILLKEY: API Key from Mandrill for Emails
- FROMEMAIL: Who are we sending this from?
- FROMNAME: Who are we sending this from as a name
- S3URI: the
to upload to (make sure there is a trailing slash) - s3ConfigFile: path to the config file, should be /opt/backup/.s3cfg by default
- filesToBackup: array of files or folders to backup (no trailing slash)
- DBsToBackup: array of database names to backup (make sure your backup user has privileges to these DBs)
- TmpBackupDir: path to where the backup files will be stored temporarily while the script runs
- MySQLConfig: path to the database.cnf file that has the backup credentials
you can test this script by running sudo -u s3backups /opt/backup/;
. It should upload to s3 and shoot you an email.
sudo crontab -e
##paste in the following crontab entry, it will run at midnight each night
0 0 * * * /bin/bash /opt/backup/ > /dev/null