Test API for Joomla, only basic tags are supported at this stage
This API use SlimFramework : http://www.slimframework.com
Upload the all the content at the root of a Joomla 3 website
Five HTTP verbs are supported:
- GET requests to retrieve information
- POST to add new records
- PUT to update records
- DELETE requests to remove records
- OPTIONS used by some framework to test a route
Method Override
Some browser/framework don't support all this method. In this case, you can send a POST with _METHOD='PUT' as parameter
you may also override the HTTP method by using the X-HTTP-Method-Override header
We support 4 differents format for output. If you don’t specify an accept header, the API will return JSON format by default:
- XML / HTTP-Header Accept: application/xml
- JSON / HTTP-Header Accept: application/json
- JSONP / HTTP-Header Accept: application/json / For JSONP, add the ?callback parameter to any GET call to have the results wrapped in a JSON function. For example: https://mysite.ch/api/v1/sites?callback=myfunction
- Serialized / HTTP-Header Accept: text/plain
We support content negociation : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Content_negotiation Done with http://williamdurand.fr/Negotiation/
API return status booth in body and header
- 400 Bad Request
- 403 Forbidden
- 404 Not Found
"error": true,
"msg": "ERROR: Invalid Route",
"status": 404
<msg>ERROR: Invalid Route</msg>
You can extend the API by plugins see plgJapiUsers as basic exemple
This is only a test to show the general concept