Self-made source code for Modern x64 Assembly videos by Creel on YouTube.
I believe on hands-on practicing over just pure watching the video.
You may find it useful to follow with the instuctor and my scripts.
You may need to use Visual Studio and follow along the steps that the instuctors provided on the first video
Remember to turn on MASM first, then input asm.asm, lastly the main.cpp.
✓ Environemnt tested on Visual Studio 17.7.3
- 1-Beginning Assembly Programming
- 2-16 Bit Registers
- 3-32 and 64 bit Registers
- 4-Data Types
- 5-MOV and LEA
- 7-Boolean Logical Instructions in x86 x64 8086 ASM
- 8-Shift Rotate and Bit Manipulation Instructions/
- 9-The rFlags Register (Flags, pushfq, popfq, pushf, popf)
- 10-Conditional Jumps, Moves and Set Byte
- 11-Division with the DIV and IDIV Instructions
- 12-C Calling Convention (Passing Parameters)
- 13-Control Structures (If statements, do while, while and for loops)
- 14-Structures in ASM and C++
- 15-Introduction to SIMD
- 16-Basic SIMD Floating Point Arithmetic