IDrive Backup Docker image
Docker Hub:
IDrive services persist, so no need to relogin after each restart of the container.
It also works in TrueNAS SCALE and on unRAID. Configuration examples are below.
- Docker installed
- IDrive account
container_name: idrive
image: renofischa/idrive:latest
restart: unless-stopped
- config:/opt/IDriveForLinux/idriveIt
- files:/mnt/files
- $BACKUPDIR:/mnt/backup:ro
- TZ=$TZ
- volumes config and files are necessary for persisting account settings and IDrive services.
- $BACKUPDIR points to the local path you need to backup
- Optional timezone environment variable, default is set to Europe/Vienna in dockerfile
click on Apps -> Launch Docker image
- Image repository:
- Optional timezone environment variable
- Storage:
- Update Strategy: Kill existing pods before creating new ones
leave everything else on default
Save the following template as My-iDrive.xml under your boot usb drive in /Config/Plugins/dockerMan/templates-user/
<?xml version="1.0"?><Container version="2">
<DonateText/> <DonateLink/>
<Config Name="Host Path 1" Target="/opt/IDriveForLinux/idriveIt" Default="" Mode="rw" Description="" Type="Path" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false">/mnt/user/appdata/idrive/idriveIt</Config>
<Config Name="Host Path 2" Target="/home/backup" Default="" Mode="ro" Description="" Type="Path" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false">/mnt/user/backups/</Config>
<Config Name="Host Key 1" Target="TZ" Default="" Mode="" Description="" Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false">America/New_York</Config>
<Config Name="Host Path 3" Target="/mnt/files" Default="" Mode="rw" Description="" Type="Path" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false">/mnt/user/appdata/idrive/files</Config>
Configure your IDrive account after first start.
- Exec into container
- Run
- Login with your account details and configure other basic settings. Important is your Backup location.
- Now you should see your container in your IDrive dashboard.
In Version 3 idrive for Linux switched to a Bin package-based Installer.
- Container tag latest now contains v3
- steps to update a container to the new Version:
- change mount path of volume
- remove volume
- Should look like this in docker-compose
services: idrive: container_name: idrive image: renofischa/idrive:latest restart: unless-stopped volumes: - config:/opt/IDriveForLinux/idriveIt - files:/mnt/files - $BACKUPDIR:/mnt/backup:ro environment: - TZ=$TZ volumes: config: files:
- Exec into container
- Run
./idrive --account-setting
- Login again with your account details.
- At this question, you can enter 3 to exit:
Do you want to: 1) Reconfigure your account freshly 2) Edit your account details 3) Exit
- Settings from v2 should still be there. Scheduled Jobs must be configured again.
- change mount path of volume