- README.md -- a ReadMe file about the Project
- CodeBook.md -- codebook describing variables, the data and transformations
- run_analysis.R -- actual R code
You should create one R script called run_analysis.R that does the following:
- Merges the training and the test sets to create one data set.
- Extracts only the measurements on the mean and standard deviation for each measurement.
- Uses descriptive activity names to name the activities in the data set
- Appropriately labels the data set with descriptive activity names.
- Creates a second, independent tidy data set with the average of each variable for each activity and each subject.
The script assumes it has in it's working directory, the following files and folders:
- activity_labels.txt
- features.txt
- test/
- train/
The output is created in working directory with the name of "TidyData.txt"
It follows the goals step by step.
Step 1:
- Read all the test and training files: y_test.txt, subject_test.txt and X_test.txt.
- Combine the data sets to a data frame in the form of subjects, labels, the rest of the data.
Step 2:
- Read the features from features.txt and filter it to only leave features that are either means ("mean()") or standard deviations ("std()").
- Create a data frame that includes subjects, labels and the described features.
Step 3:
- Read the activity labels from activity_labels.txt and replace the numbers with the text.
Step 4:
- Make a column list (including "subjects" and "label")
- Tidy the list by removing all non-alphanumeric characters and converting the result to lowercase
- Apply the new column names to the data frame
Step 5:
- Create a new data frame by finding the mean for each combination of subject and label done by "aggregate" function
Final step:
- Write the new tidy set into a text file called "TidyData.txt", formatted similarly to the original files.