This module setup nginx.
Call this task to install nginx on your system.
- ensure - Default: latest
- conf_ensure, Create configuration - Default: present
- service_ensure, Start service - Default: running
- nginx_conf, Location of nginx.conf file - Default: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
- nginx_conf_template, Which template to use for nginx.conf - Default: templates/nginx/nginx.conf.tpl
- mime_type_conf, Location of mime.types file - Default: /etc/nginx/mime.types
- mime_type_conf_template, Which template to use for mime.types file. - Default: templates/nginx/mime.types.tpl
- user - Default: nginx
- worker_processes, How many worker processes - Default: 1
- error_log_file, Where to log error messages - Default: /var/log/nginx/error.log
- error_log_level - Default: warn
- pid_file - Default: /var/run/
- worker_connections, How many worker connections - Default: 1024
- mime_type_file - Default: /etc/nginx/mime.types
- default_type, Default mimetype to deliver - Default: application/octet-stream
- log_format_main - Default:
$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" $status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" "$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"
- access_log - Default: /var/log/nginx/access.log
- sendfile - Default: on
- keepalive_timeout - Default: 65
- gzip - Default: on
- http_options, an array to add additional http options - Default:
- http_include_files, Include configuration files - Default:
- events_options, Additional options for the events section. - Default:
- main_options, Additional options for the main section. - Default:
use Nginx;
task "setup", sub {
use Nginx;
task "setup", sub {
Nginx::setup {
ensure => 'present',
user => 'nobody',
http_options => [
'tcp_nopush on',
'foobar off',
events_options => [
'xyz off',
main_options => [
'abc 123',
Create a virtual host.
- ensure - Default: present
- configuration_dir, Directory where to store the configuration file for this vhost - Default: /etc/nginx/conf.d
- on_change, Hook to execute when this vhost changed - Default:
sub { service nginx => "reload"; }
- listen, Which ip:port to listen on - Default: 80
- server_name, Virtualhost name - Default: localhost
- access_log - Default: /var/log/nginx/log/$resource_name.access.log
- access_log_format - Default: main
- locations, HashRef to configure locations - Default:
'/' => {
root => '/usr/share/nginx/html',
index => 'index.html index.htm',
'~ /\.ht' => {
deny => 'all',
- error_pages, HashRef to configure error pages - Default:
404 => '/404.html',
'500 502 503 504' => '/50x.html',
- configuration, Which template to use for vhost generation - Default: templates/nginx/vhost.tpl
Nginx::vhost "",
ensure => "present";
Nginx::vhost "",
ensure => "present",
locations => {
'/' => {
root => '/usr/share/nginx/html',
index => 'index.html index.htm',
'~ /\.ht' => {
deny => 'all',