Download videos from Kaltura - a media hosting service used by many Universities. Use responsibally. This is a tool meant for personal use only. Do not post or share lectures and videos to people outside your university. I am not liable for any damage you cause if you do so.
Download the ViolentMonkey extension for Firefox here or for Chrome here. This extension is used to add custom scripts like this one. Don't add things you don't trust! (You can review the code here yourself to get some peace of mind.)
Click the "ktdl.user.js" file in the list of files above, then click "RAW". Or just click this. ViolentMonkey should auto open it and ask if you want to add it. If it doesn't automagically open, copy paste the contents, click the ViolentMonkey extension icon to open its menu, then press the "Create a new script" button. Paste what you copied and save.
Refresh your Kaltura tab and a download icon will appear in the top left. Choose your desired resolution and enjoy!
You can change the "@match" lines near the top of the script to add your university's own Kaltura page. You can use multiple @match tags for multiple websites.
Credit to knownunown for the script, I just added instructions. See forked repo.