A new stable release is out: rieMiner 0.93. Updates since 0.92 Vanilla:
- Improvement of assembly optimizations (+10-15% with AVX2), removal of the EnableAVX2 option (now always enabled in AVX2 builds);
- Now possible to configure rieMiner via Command Line;
- Bug fixes, especially for Windows;
- Remove the configuration assistant as we now have rieMiner-Qt;
- Add pauses to reduce confusion (notably, giving most Windows users a chance to read messages about wrong configuration);
- Support of the Stratum Client.Show_Message method;
- Many more Primorial Offsets are now hard coded (useful for people having a lot of Cores);
- Replacement of the Test Mode by a separate testing server for easier and much more realistic and complete testing;
- Networking code rewritten and much improved, Jansson replaced by NLohmann Json;
- There are no longer separated Light and Android branches, everything was reunited in Master. Easier build procedures;
- Other minor and aesthetic changes.
The rieMiner binaries are now hosted on Riecoin.dev. Find the links to the latest version here. https://riecoin.dev/resources/Pttn/rieMiner.php
Happy Mining!