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_z3r0_ edited this page Jan 1, 2025 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the RikaRelief wiki!


The name comes from an amalgamation of two words; Rika which is a Swahili word that refers to people in an age-group. It roughly translates to peer and that's the intuition we are going for. The other word is Relief; which is an English word that means in some contexts, including this one, something that alleviates pain, distress and pain. This is the sense of the word we were going for in the name of our organization and also the platform.

The name's acronym R.R also references to a concept that the originators hold dear. This is the idea of Relevance Realization. It is a rather fascinating idea and well worth you time to investigate. Here is a good point to start.

In a way one of RikaRelief's goal is to track problems which are most relevant to people and provide a way for peers to contribute resources to help solve them. For starting we'll focus on areas of crisis such as disaster relief then we'll move to more nuanced problems.


The main vision for RikaRelief is that eventually it will be a center of solace for people's troubles and needs. To be your friend when you are in need.

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