resumeExporter --target TARGET [-h] [--source_ids [SOURCE_IDS [SOURCE_IDS ...]]]
[--api_key API_KEY] [--verbose]
[--silent] [--n-worker N_WORKER] [--logfile LOGFILE]
resume_exporter get profile's documents of candidates and profile parsing from the sources that you selected.
These documents are dump in the target directory you selected under the following path: $taget_path/$source_name_$source_id/$profile_id/*
- --target path/to/target/directory
- Directory where profile's files will be dump
- Required
- -h
- print help message and exit
- --source_ids source_id1 source_id2 ... source_idn
- Source ids from where profile will be exported.
- Default: All sources available with your secret key are selected by default.
- --api_key api_secret_key
- Your api secret, available on your riminder platform.
- Will be asked if absent.
- --api_url api_url
- The url to the riminder api
- Default ""
- --verbose
- Enable verbose mode
- --silent
- Enable silent mode
- --n-worker n
- Select the number of worker (thread) you want to use.
- Default: 3
- --logfile path/to/file
- Select a file where export logs will be logged