FC3161 and MS-Authenticode timestamp server in JavaScript.
It is for experimental use and may not meet all specifications.
Install modules.
Compile typescript.
Usage: node tsa_server.js [options]
-C, --cert <path> TSA Certificate PEM file path.
--forcekeyusage Not keyusage timestamping, force load.
-K, --key <path> TSA PrivateKey PEM file path.
-P, --pass <passphare> PrivateKey passsphare.
-S, --serialno <path> Serialno record file path.
-I, --oid <oid> TSA Policy OID. (default: "")
-L, --listen <number> TSA Server listen port (default: "80")
-h, --help display help for command
Timestamp Certificate require timestamping in keyusage.
If use --forcekeyusage option,not require timestamping in keyusage,but mabey invalid sign.