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System Configuration

Nesh Patel edited this page Dec 7, 2016 · 1 revision

Most of the application is self contained, but there are a few global configuration options available.

These options are configured in js/config.js which defines the global InsightsConfig object. This file will be overwritten when you pull updates from the Insights Git repository which will overwite any changes you make. As such, js/customConfig.js has been included on each page but is unversioned in the repository. If you create this file and override parameters in InsightsConfig, these changes will be kept even after updating the repository. As it is unversioned, js/customConfig.js needs to be created manually after you deploy the application to WebLogic.

Below is an example of the line required in customConfig to change the default locale to US.

InsightsConfig.Locale = 'US';

A full list of all configuration parameters in InsightsConfig can be found here.


All queries act through the BI server and are authenticated in the same way as OBIEE, so any row or object level security is maintained through OBIEE and the BI server as normal. However, pages of the Insights application can be optionally restricted to application roles.

InsightsConfig.Security has properties that correspond to roles in the Insight application. The value of each properties should be set to the respective OBIEE application role for granting that permission.

Insights Role Description
view Allows viewing of dashboards, specifically access to /insights/app/states/view
create Allows creation of dashboards, specifically access to /insights/app/states/visBuilder

Data Formats

The app uses the D3 formatting specification to format dates and numbers. The defaults for each data type can be modified by editing InsightsConfig.DataFormats. Additionally, numbers are formatting using SI prefixes. This is not always desirable, for example 1000,000,000 will be displayed as 1G rather than 1B. InsightsConfig.SIPrefixes can be modified to override these format prefixes to suit your needs.

Managing Dashboards

Insights keeps a master list (JSON) of all published dashboard folders. This governs which dashboards are available on the portal and contains the metadata for icons and tags for searching. This is stored as a hidden item in the catalogue at /shared/RM-Insights/Published-Dashboards which can be modified by anyone with the RM Insights create security role and read by anyone with the RM Insights view role. Migrating published dashboards is then simply a case of migrating this web catalogue item.



All of the default map plugins use LeafletJS and the Open Street tile layer. This allows you to plot D3 objects with a dynamic and scalable map. The actual tile configurations are done in rmvpp.js and extend the L.TileLayer object to have properties matching the configuration in InsightsConfig.MapTiles. The Leaflet tile layers specifications at minimum must include a url and attribution. As such you can change InsightsConfig to choose which tile layer Leaflet will use as default. The Default map layer is selected using the InsightsConifg.DefaultMapTile property.


Regional map features can be defined in Insights using TopoJSON files. InsightsConfig.MapFeatures is an array of objects describing locations (path) of TopoJSON files and descriptive names (name). Plugins like the Choropleth allow the user to choose these map files and include them on their maps. You can add more features by uploading a new TopoJSON and appending to InsightsConfig.MapFeatures in customConfig.js.

Look and Feel

The most general way to modify the style of the application is to add a custom CSS file to each of the HTML pages:

  • index.html: Login page
  • app/states/portal/index.html: Portal page
  • app/states/visBuilder/index.html: Dashboard Builder
  • app/states/view/index.html: Dashboard Viewer

Additionally, the app has been designed using Google's Angular Material library. This means that most of the app follows a defined theme. Customisations to the default themes have been made at the top of app/services/global.js.

Note: The app has not been perfectly refactored to Material directives yet, so a combination of Material theme changes and an additional CSS file must be used to fully customise the colours.

InsightsConfig.UI contains some more options for modifying the UI. There is a Buttons object which contains properties for optionally hiding certain UI elements. The only option currently available is to remove the sign out button, for SSO enabled environments.

Styling the Documentation

The last thing that needs updating are the stylesheets for the documentation. The documentation is split into general documents and the automatically generated API reference. These have their own stylesheets and both need to be updated.

Styling General Documents

An example CSS file is at private-docs/styles/rm.css. This can be used as a template when writing customisations but any new files must be saved in the same directory. To apply the modification, edit private-docs/ and uncomment lines 109 and 110. This should then read:

custom_css = read_file(os.path.abspath("rm.css"))
write_output(custom_css, 'temp.css')

Make sure to replace rm.css with the name of your custom CSS file.

Styling the API Reference

An example CSS file is at docs/api/styles/rm-doc.css. This can be used as a template when writing customisations but any new files must be saved in the same directory. Modify docs/api/scripts/ and uncomment line 209:

head.insert(len(head), ET.XML('<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="styles/rm-doc.css"/>'))

Make sure to replace rm-doc.css with the name of your custom CSS file.

Numeric To Double Conversion

Columns with a NUMERIC data types are automatically cast as DOUBLE to prevent a reporting bug. This leaves reports potentially susceptible to rounding errors due to the floating point limitation. The behaviour is controlled by InsightsConfig.NumericToDouble and so can be turned off at such a time as Oracle repair the issue with the web service.