Parlance is a localization and pluralization framework for iOS apps written in Swift.
- List out the supported languages
- Provide a
instance - Choose which language to use for the given
- Choose which plural category to use for the given
Plural Rules Plural Rules Per Language (Note: use the Cardinal type)
// Supported Languages
enum Language {
case english
case irish
final class ParlanceCoordinator: ParlanceCoordinatable {
static let shared = ParlanceCoordinator()
// Language to use for the given Locale
func currentLanguage(for locale: Locale) -> Language {
switch locale.languageCode {
case "ga"?: return .irish
default: return .english
// Plural Category for the given Int and Language
func category(for int: Int, language: Language) -> PluralCategory {
switch language {
case .english:
switch int {
case 1: return .one
default: return .other
case .irish:
switch int {
case 1: return .one
case 2: return .two
case _ where int >= 3 && int <= 6: return .few
case _ where int >= 7 && int <= 10: return .many
default: return .other
- List out the keys for each localized string
- Make a class that conforms to
- Specify the type to use for _ParlanceCoordinatable
- Trampoline each call to
to the corressponding language specificSpecificParlance
's static function,t()
enum LogInParlanceKey {
case signedInWelcomeMessage(name: String)
case guestWelcomeMessage
class LogInParlance: BaseParlance {
typealias _ParlanceCoordinator = ParlanceCoordinator
func t(_ key: LogInParlanceKey) -> String {
switch currentLanguage {
case .english: return LogInParlance_en.t(key)
case .irish: return LogInParlance_ga.t(key)
enum ShoppingCartParlanceKey {
case numberOfItems(Int)
class ShoppingCartParlance: BaseParlance {
typealias _ParlanceCoordinator = ParlanceCoordinator
func t(_ key: ShoppingCartParlanceKey) -> String {
switch currentLanguage {
case .english: return en.t(key)
case .irish: return ga.t(key)
- List out the plural categories for the language (once per language)
- Make a class that conforms to
- Specify the type to use for _ParlanceCoordinatable
- Specify the type to use for _PluralCategory
- Provide the correct translation for the given key
** use
to get the plural category for anyInt
enum EnglishPluralCategory: String {
case one
case other
class LoginParlance_EN: SpecificModule {
typealias _ParlanceCoordinator = ParlanceCoordinator
typealias PluralCategory = EnglishPluralCategory
static func t(_ key: LogInParlanceKey) -> String {
switch key {
case .signedInWelcomeMessage(name: let name): return "Welcome, " + name
case .guestWelcomeMessage: return "Welcome"
class ShoppingCartParlance_EN: SpecificModule {
typealias _ParlanceCoordinator = ParlanceCoordinator
typealias PluralCategory = EnglishPluralCategory
static func t(_ key: ShoppingCartParlanceKey) -> String {
switch key {
case .numberOfItems(let count):
switch category(for: count) {
case .one: return "1 item"
case .other: return "\(count) items"
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
- Xcode 8
- Swift 3
Parlance is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
platform :ios, "10.0"
target "<YOUR_TARGET>" do
pod "Parlance"
Brian Radebaugh, [email protected]
Parlance is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.