Fullstack portfolio website
A fullstack portfolio website with frontend in HTML, CSS and JS and backend designed with node, redis and mongodb.
- NA
- NA
- fork the repo
- clone into your local machine
- run the following command
node server.js
How to run the program
- You can either clone it locally
- Or you can go to https://maneshantanu.herokuapp.com/
Contributors names and contact info
Shantanu Mane @RndmCodeGuy20
- 0.6
- Final Release!
- 0.5
- mongo atlas cloud server connected with server side form validation.
- 0.4
- hosted on heroku
- 0.3
- local mongodb database added.
- 0.2
- Hosted on local express server
- 0.1
- Frontend static webpage
This project is currently not licensed under any legal term.
Github pages is now not available!