Dependencies can be installed via ./ -i. For system configuration (not tested anymore but should mostly work), specify architecture. If self-configuring hardware, use no-arch to get github dependencies
Nvidia CUDA Toolkit v12.5 or v12.2
Docker version 27.1.1
NVIDIA Container Runtime Hook version 1.14.2
ROS2 Humble Hawksbill
ZED ROS2 Wrapper
NMEA Navsat ROS2 Driver
Foxglove Bridge
AUV Container Controller (
x86_64 AUV Container, Nvidia GPU required
aarch64 AUV Container, Nvidia Jetson Orin NX 8GB minimum
The system must have an Nvidia CUDA-capable GPU
On above webpage
Suggest running AI optimization while installing (will take a while)
You will need to create an Nvidia Developer Account
During this step you should aim to install all dependency libraries and Software development kits
Will be needed for next steps
Otherwise the ZED SDK will encounter errors
Suggest running AI optimization while installing (will take a long time)
Note, you must have a Personal Access Token (PAT) to build the project, located in the .tokens directory.
This starts the container and will generate a terminal instance for the user to interact with the system. Note that additional terminal insatances may be started after this point by using the -n flag.
source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash source install/setup.bash
colcon build --parallel-workers $(nproc) --symlink-install --event-handlers console_direct+ --base-paths src --cmake-args ' -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release'
' -DCMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda/lib64/stubs' ' -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-Wl,--allow-shlib-undefined"' ' --no-warn-unused-cli'
--packages-select nmea_navsat_driver zed_ros2 zed_interfaces zed_components zed_wrapper libmavconn mavros_msgs mavros && source install/setup.bash
Foxglove ROS2 Bridge -
ros2 launch foxglove_bridge foxglove_bridge_launch.xml
ZED2 ROS2 Wrapper -
ros2 launch zed_wrapper camera_model:=zed2i
NMEA Navsat Driver -
ros2 launch nmea_navsat_driver
The following versions have been deemed stable enough to consider signifigant milestones, and starting June 17th, 2024 will be uploaded to github
Added AUV ROS2 controller project into appropriate dockerfiles
Started looking into controlling boards power capabilities
/sys/devices/platform/17000000.gpu/devfreq/17000000.gpu - For GPU control
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq - For CPU control
Starting work on ROS2 Controller module
Created and deployed temporary fixes for ISSAC ROS V3.0.1, made signifigant headway connecting FCU to computer (via companion computer)
Working on debugging Ardusub ROS2 Driver - Seems to be dead end
Initial commit to github
Updated container to work with ISSAC ROS 3.1, integrated configuration of drivers from outside of the container
Configured ZED2i to provide high quality depth maps, enabled postional tracking
Created basic GUI in Foxglove Studio to visualize data
Updated script to work with ISSAC ROS 3.0
Updated container to work with new ISSAC ROS build system, resulted in major refactoring of both scripts and containers
Added ability to launch additional terminals with -n flag, don't need to specify architecture
Changed base container to NVIDIA ISSAC ROS 2.1
Created container for aarch64 build, integrated scripts into one cohesive
Added .status folder to track container controller status
Initial stable build, utilizing ROS2 Humble, ZED ROS2 Wrapper, and NMEA Navsat Driver