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Visualising Data on the Web

Courses available here:


JS basics:

  • 🦄: review
  • 🦄: re-write map&filter lesson
  • 🦄: write introduction


  • 🦆: convert to RobIsaTeam repo
  • 🦄: clean up introduction
  • 🦆: properly check that its at v4
  • 🦄: think about where to start and how to introduce d3 and the course
  • 🦄: give context about what d3 is for (and when plotly might be easier) <-- intro page
  • 🦄: prepare D3 rant - enter, exit
  • 🦄: simpler build up for scales (1d first)? maybe??
  • 🦆+🦄: talk about the "note" in d3 lesson 5 - event is actually coming from d3 - not a special browser object


  • 🦆: delete JS intro bits and sort lessons in ascending order
  • 🦄: clean up introduction
  • 🦄: swap images 5 and 6 (might be already done)
  • 🦄: turn off spell checker in keynote before exporting images
  • 🦄: export images with higher resolution
  • 🦄: setup flow: stack boxes vertically
  • 🦄: create data file / trace data from paper
  • 🦆: interpolate data traces
  • 🦄: move brain down and left and figure out bubble coordinates
  • 🦄: create main.js files
  • 🦆+🦄: run an alpha course (23/07 12pm)
  • 🦆+🦄: after campjs write to neuro paper authors

Web page

  • 🦄: add twitter links
  • 🦆: link back to lesson list from within a lesson
  • 🦆: change font form bold to pretty
  • 🦄: write introduction

All courses:

  • 🦆: Make /code/index.html run again despite pixel
  • 🦆: Merge commit history from the 3 repos (d3-orig, threejs-old, current-repo)
  • 🦆: Put code (js/css/html/images) for each course can go into a code directory in each course and still load in iframes
  • 🦄: Fix indentation in code blocks

ThreeJS Lesson Plan 🦆+🦄:

  • lesson 7: animation of sphere sizes
  • lesson 8: clicking on spheres with plotly pop-up
  • advanced challenge: make stimulus textures on planes thing (lesson 7 or 8) (?)
  • advanced challenge: give the eyes simple texture

CampJS Notes:

Things we might want to do differently / explain at CampJS:

  • explain how we normally run it (and who it's normally for - web beginners)
  • we'll have short parts where we explain something and we would like everyone to keep quiet during this
  • in between we'll have longer parts where we will have set a challenge to work on
  • everything will be in vanilla JS
  • but you can also work on your own d3/threejs stuff if you're a bit ahead
  • we'll be available to help you during this (giving priority to the people working on the challenge we set)
  • but also please ask and help each other out!