This program converts a backup.xml (Tickets, Milestones, etc.) created by Unfuddle to a JSON that can be imported by Bitbucket.
An import on Bitbucket removes ALL existing issues!
Certain objects, such as usernames or comments, rely on foreign keys. During an import, Bitbucket silently uses NULL to replace any foreign keys that it cannot resolve (for example, a username that does not exist on Bitbucket).
All, foreign keys are managed by the converter. However, a user at unfuddle named "unfuddleUser1" may exist on Bitbucket with another username, e.g. "bitbucketUser1". To convert the username, you can provide a userMap. See for more information. If you forget to configure the config-file, someone else on this planet might get assigned to your issues!
The Software is released under the MIT-license - so you can do what you want! If you like it consider DONATING to me via Paypal: [email protected] . Thanks!
see for the full license-text.
- People (they are mappable to bitbucket-accounts)
- Components
- Milestones
- Versions
- Tickets
- id
- status
- reporter
- assignee
- priority
- severity / kind
- title / summary
- createdOn / createdAt
- updatedOn / updatedAt
- content / description
- contentUpdatedOn / updatedOn
- component
- milestone
- comments
- watcher / subscriptions, they are converted but Bitbucket will not import them, unless the zip is signed by them to prevent spam.
voters(does not exist in unfuddle?!)
- Components
- Meta
Attachments- Events on tickets converted to logs:
- create ticket
- accept ticket
- close ticket
- reassign ticket
- resolve ticket
- reopen ticket
update ticketUnfuddle puts the changes from the update in the description - this may contain emailaddresses as plaintext or sometimes the Names (not usernames) and other stuff... which makes it quite complicated to support it. A solution might parse the description-field. It may contain the changed field enclosed in double-stars (**)
Links to Changesets from Tickets, Comments and LogsAssociated TicketsTicket Reports- Links to Tickets from anywhere (e.g. comments)
The data format that is generated by Unfuddle can be found here.
The data format that is expected by Bitbucket can be found here.