CodeExecutor enables player to write and execute their code inside your server. CodeExecutor uses Piston API for the execution of every code.
/code - Main entry point of the commands
/code new - Create a new editor
/code open - Open the editor
/code close - Close the editor
/code run - Run the code in your editor
/code language - Change the execution language
/code languages - List of suported languages
/code scroll - Scroll up/down in the editor
/code goto - Go to a certain line in the editor
/code line - Commands for line modifications
/code line insert - Insert new line
/code line delete - Delete line
/code line edit - Edit a line's text
/code line move - Move line to another line
/code argv
/code argv count - Set the number of arguments
/code argv set - Set the arguments values
/code stdin - Enable/disable stdin
/code save - Saves your current editor
/code rename - Renames your current editor
/code list - Shows a list of all of your codes
/code delete - Delete a code editor.
/code import - Import code from pastebin
codeexecutor.code - Access all of CodeExecutor's functionality
editor-height: 20 # Recommended: 20 and 10
max-line-length: 192 # Recommended: 192. n / 6 == How many 'A' characters can you fit in the line
max-line-count: 1028 # Recommended: <= 1028
max-character-per-line: 128 # Recommended: >=64 && <= 128
max-output-line: 64 # Recommended: <= 64
max-size-per-output: 16384 # Max size per output, 16 kilobytes
max-files-per-player: 32
Basic Usage and Running
Use of \n (New Line) and \t (Tab)
Basic Usage and Running
Use of Stdin
Use of argv
Line move, insert, and delete. Scroll, and go to
Renaming, Saving, Deleting files