HapticPuncture Simulator is an innovative simulation system for epidural anesthesia training. Among its many advantages it is important to say that it is virtual-reality (VR) based, which means that can be used indefinitely. Moreover, it is a low-cost, open-source, customizable prototype that opens doors to new procedure simulators in multiple specialties of medicine.
This guide allows to any user to install the simulator downloaded from \url{www.github.com/robolabo}, and to start using the proposed simulator in \textbf{Ubuntu 14.04}. Furthermore, instructions about how to create new applications are detailed.
HapticPuncture Simulator is composed by two main modules: an haptic device and a virtual environment. In order to use this system, some requirements exist.
The release is available online in GitHub.
Instructions on how to get started can be found in the documentation folder.
The materials used in for the HapticPuncture Simuator prototype are listed below. A more detailed list can be found in the documentation folder.
A computer with Ubuntu 14.04
An Arduino Due board
A motor's board X-NUCLEO-IHM04A1
A voltage generator
A DC motor MINIMOTOR 2842-012C
An encoder HEDS 5540 A
3D printed structures
Two Linear Shaft Rail Bars
Two bearings
A transmission tendon
A capstan
A pulley
HapticPuncture requires the following software resources:
CHAI3D platform.
Arduino IDE, with two libraries installed: Encoder.h and DueTimer.h.
The code provided in this folder.
Libraries needed for CHAI3D:
GLUT package $sudo apt-get install freeglut3 freeglut3-dev $sudo apt-get install binutils-gold
usb-1.0 $sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev
libasound2-dev $sudo apt-get install libasound2-dev
Additionally, we need a compiler (gcc): $sudo apt-get install build-essentials
The C++ code to run the virtual environment needs to be compiled. Firstly, copy the 07-HapticPuncture directory from /Chai3D_code to <CHAI3d_directory>/GEL/modules/GEL/examples/GLFW/ Then, run in the command line: $ cd /Chai3D_code/07-HapticPuncture $ make
Next, to run HapticPuncture the following code scripts need to be run:
in arduinoChai3D_code/07-HapticPuncture/obj/release/lin-x86_64-ccHapticPuncture/HapticPuncture
by typing in the terminal from lin-x86_64-ccHapticPuncture directory: $ ./HapticPuncture