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Mereli - Multi-Environment Robotics simulator with Evolution and Learning Implementations


Clone this repository:

git clone
cd Mereli

Download the simulator requirements:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Additionally, if working MPI is installed in your system:

pip3 install mpi4py==3.0.3

The simulator can be cleanly executed without MPI installed. However, MPI parallelization functionalities (for example parallel evaluation in genetic algorithms) cannot be harnessed.

In order to execute the examples or to use the simulator outside the Mereli directory, run the following command:

python install

Momentarily, the in-process documentation of the simulator can be checked by running the html file in docs/_build/html/index.html locally through a web browser of your choice.

Basic Usage

The simulator can be run from the command line using the following command:

python --cfg experiment_configuration -Rv 

It executes the experiment defined in the JSON configuration file experiment_configuration (stored in mereli\config) in render mode (R) and in verbose mode (v).

The following table shows the possible command line arguments with its abbreviation and description:

Argument Abbreviation Description
render R Whether to run in visual or console mode.
debug d Whether to run in debug mode or not.
eval e Whether to run evaluation mode or in optmization mode.
resume r Whether to restore previously saved optimization checkpoint.
ncpu n Number of cores to use for parallelization.
cfg f JSON configuration file to be used (without extension). The file has to be stored in mereli/config
verbose v Whether to run in verbose mode.

Configuration Files

In contrast to the command line arguments that configure basic aspects of the simulator, the most relevant configuration settings can be adjusted using JSON configuration files. The file has to be stored in mereli/config and is called using the command line argument --cfg (or -f). The configuration file is composed by the following main blocks:

  • checkpoint_file: name of the file where optimization checkpoints are stored.

  • topology: configuration of the artificial neural network.

  • algorithm: configuration of the algorithm that optimizes the previously specified ANN parameters.

  • world: configuration of the environment/world.

Firstly, an example of ANN declaration through the topology field is shown below. It exemplifies the use of rate neuron models as building blocks of CTRNNs:

"topology" : {
    "dt" : 0.1, # Euler step of the ANN.
    "time_scale" : 20, # Ratio between neuronal and environment time scales (neurons are 20 times faster).
    "stimuli": { # Declaration of stimuli fed to the ANN. 
        "I1" : {"n" : 2, "sensor" : "wireless_receiver:msg"}, # 2D message of IR communication receiver.
        "I2" : {"n" : 2, "sensor" : "wireless_receiver:receiving_direction"}, # 2D message orientation msg.
        "I3" : {"n" : 1, "sensor" : "wireless_receiver:signal"}, # Signal strength
        "I4" : {"n" : 1, "sensor" : "wireless_receiver:state"}, # State of the communication.
        "I5" : {"n" : 6, "sensor" : "light_sensor"} # Light sensor (6 sectors).
    # Encoding of the above stimuli. Mainly used when spiking neuron models are employed, to map stimulus 
    # to spike trains. As it is not the case of this example, identity encoding is fixed as a placeholder.
    # In this case, the encoding field could have been completely removed (as it is not used). 
    "encoding" : {
        "I1" :{"scheme" : "IdentityEncoding"},
        "I2" :{"scheme" : "IdentityEncoding"},
        "I3" :{"scheme" : "IdentityEncoding"},
        "I4" :{"scheme" : "IdentityEncoding"},
        "I5" :{"scheme" : "IdentityEncoding"}
    # Neuron model from mereli.neural_networks.neuron_models.
    "neuron_model" : "rate_model",
    # Synapse model from mereli.neural_networks.synapses. Currently, it can be either static for 
    # non-spiking neurons and dynamic for spiking neurons.
    "synapse_model" : "static_synapse",
    # Set of neuron ensembles or layers. 
    "ensembles": {
        "H1" : {"n" : 10, "params" : {}},
        "H2" : {"n" : 10, "params" : {}},
        "OUT_COMM" : {"n" : 2, "params" : {}},
        "OUT_COMM_ST" : {"n" : 1, "params" : {}},
        "OUT_MOT" : {"n" : 2, "params" : {}}
    # Set of ouputs, linking actuators to motor ensembles or neurons.
    "outputs" : {
        # OUT_COMM_ST generates the action of the IR communication state (RELAY or SEND).
        "outC" : {"ensemble" : "OUT_COMM_ST", "actuator" : "IR_transmitter:state", "enc": "cat"},
        # OUT_COMM generates the action of the IR communication 3D message.
        "outA" : {"ensemble" : "OUT_COMM", "actuator" : "IR_transmitter", "enc": "real"},
        # OUT_MOT generates the action of the wheel actuator (2D).
        "outB" : {"ensemble" : "OUT_MOT", "actuator" : "wheel_actuator", "enc": "real"}
    # Set of ANN synapses, specifying the pre and post synaptic ensembles, the probability of 
    # pairwise neuron connection (p) and whether the connection is trainable or not.
    "synapses" :  {
        "I1-H1" : {"pre":"I1","post":"H1", "trainable":true, "p":1.0},
        "I2-H1" : {"pre":"I2","post":"H1", "trainable":true, "p":1.0},
        "I3-H1" : {"pre":"I3","post":"H1", "trainable":true, "p":1.0},
        "I4-H1" : {"pre":"I4","post":"H1", "trainable":true, "p":1.0},
        "I5-H1" : {"pre":"I5","post":"H1", "trainable":true, "p":1.0},
        "H1-H1" : {"pre":"H1","post":"H1", "trainable":true, "p":0.7},
        "H2-H2" : {"pre":"H2","post":"H2", "trainable":true, "p":0.7},
        "H1-H2" : {"pre":"H1","post":"H2", "trainable":true, "p":1.0},
        "H1-MOT" : {"pre":"H1","post":"OUT_MOT", "trainable":true, "p":1.0},
        "H2-COM" : {"pre":"H2","post":"OUT_COMM", "trainable":true, "p":1.0},
        "H2-ST" : {"pre":"H2","post":"OUT_COMM_ST", "trainable":true, "p":1.0},
        "COMM-H1" : {"pre":"OUT_COMM","post":"H1", "trainable":true, "p":0.85},
        "MOT-H1" : {"pre":"OUT_MOT","post":"H1", "trainable":true, "p":0.85},
        "ST-H1" : {"pre":"OUT_COMM_ST","post":"H1", "trainable":true, "p":0.85},
        "MOT-MOT" : {"pre":"OUT_MOT", "post":"OUT_MOT", "trainable":true, "p":1.0},
        "COMM-COMM" : {"pre":"OUT_COMM", "post":"OUT_COMM", "trainable":true, "p":1.0},
        "COMM-ST" : {"pre":"OUT_COMM", "post":"OUT_COMM_ST", "trainable":true, "p":1.0},
        "ST-COMM" : {"pre":"OUT_COMM_ST","post":"OUT_COMM", "trainable":true, "p":1.0}
    # Decoding of the output. In this case, it decodes firing rates into actions, but in the 
    # case of spiking neurons it maps spike trains into actions. 
    "decoding" : {
        # Threshold decoding applies Heaviside mapping of the neurons' output to create binary actions.
        "outC" : {"scheme" : "ThresholdDecoding", "params" : {"is_cat" : true}},
        "outA" : {"scheme" : "IdentityDecoding", "params" : {"is_cat" : false}},
        "outB" : {"scheme" : "IdentityDecoding", "params" : {"is_cat" : false}}

An example of world configuration is the following:

    "world_delay" : 1, # Delay of the simulation in visual/render mode.
    "render_connections" :true, # Whether to draw an edge when two agents can communicate.
    "height":1000, # Height of the world.
    "width": 1000, # Width of the world.
    # Set of objects to be instantiated.
    "objects" : {
        # Robots 
        "robotA" : {
            "type" : "robot",# object type
            "num_instances" : 10,# number of instances
            "controller" : "neural_controller",# Name of the controller. 
            # Set of sensors with their parameters (unspecified parameters are autocompleted with defaults). 
            "sensors" : {
                "wireless_receiver" : {"n_sectors":4, "range" : 150,  "msg_length" : 3}, 
                "light_sensor" : {"n_sectors" : 6}
            # Set of actuators with their parameters (unspecified parameters are autocompleted with defaults).
            "actuators" : {
                "wheel_actuator" : {}, 
                "IR_transmitter" : {"quantize":true, "range" : 150, "msg_length" : 3}
            # Initialization of robots within the environment.
            "initializers" : {
                "positions" : {"name" : "random_uniform", "params" : {"low":400, "high" : 600, "size" : 2}},
                "orientations" : {"name" : "random_uniform",  "params" : {"low":0, "high" : 6.28, "size" : 1}}
            # Perturbations applied to the robots at runtime. In this case light sensor stimuli of 
            # 8 out of 10 robots is inhibited, so that only 2 robots can sense the light.
            "perturbations" : {"stimuli_inhibition" : {"affected_robots": 8, "stimuli" : "light_sensor"}},
            # Additional parameters.
            "params" : {"trainable" : true}
        # Light source
        "light_red" : {
            "type" : "light_source",
            "num_instances": 1,
            "controller" : "light_orbit_controller",
            "positions" : "random",
            "initializers" : {
                "positions" : {"name" : "random_circumference", "params" : {"radius": 1, "center" : [500, 500]}}
            "params" : {"range" : 80, "color" : "red"}

An example of algorithm configuration is the following (using CTRNN):

"algorithm" : {
    "name" : "GA", # Name of the algorithm (Genetic Algorithm in this case).
    "evolvable_object" : "robotA", # Reference to the entity to be evolved.
    "population_size" : 100, # Population size
    "generations" : 1000, # Number of generations.
    "evaluation_steps" : 1000, # Evaluation steps of each simulation trial.
    "num_evaluations" : 5, # Number of trials to estimate the fitness.
    "fitness_function" : "goto_light", # Name of the fitness function.
    # Set of populations. In this case there is only one population, but 
    # multiple population implementing cooperative coevolution are supported.
    "populations" : {
        "p1" : {
            # Parts of the ANN to be evolved.
            "objects" : ["synapses:weights:all", "neurons:bias:all",  "neurons:tau:all", "neurons:gain:all"],
            # Maximum search space bounds.
            "max_vals" : [3,  1.5, 0.75, 5],
            # Minimum search space bounds.
            "min_vals" : [-3, -1.5, -1, 0.05],
            # Algorithm dependend parameters
            "params": {
                "encoding" : "real", 
                "selection_operator" : "nonlin_rank",
                "crossover_operator" : "blxalpha",
                "mutation_operator" : "gaussian",
                "mating_operator" : "random",
                "mutation_prob" : 0.05,
                "crossover_prob" : 0.9,
                "num_elite" : 3

Note that, in each population, the objects field settles the parts of the ANN specified in topology to be evolved. The parts of the ANN are configured using a query system that is used in the simulator to address certain parts of the ANN. Currently implemented queries are:

Query Target Description
synapses:weights all Weights of all the synapses.
synapse_name Weights of synapse with name synapse_name.
sensory Weights of synapses with a sensory presynaptic neurons.
hidden Weights of synapses with a hidden presynaptic neurons.
motor Weights of synapses with a motor presynaptic neurons.
neurons:tau all Neuron membrane time constants of all neurons (only rate_model).
neurons:gain all Neuron gain of all neurons (only rate_model).
neurons:bias all Neuron biases of all neurons (only rate_model).
decoding:weights all Decoding weights if using LinearPopulationDecoding in spiking neural nets.

In the directory mereli/config there are the following configuration files stored as examples:

  • experimentA_GA_ctrnn: Experiment of selecting a leader of a swarm using homogeneous CTRNN controllers. Optimization is carried out using a Genetic Algorithm (GA).

  • experimentA_SNES_ctrnn: Experiment of selecting a leader of a swarm using homogeneous CTRNN controllers. Optimization is carried out using a Separable Natural Evolution Strategy (SNES).

  • experimentB_GA_ctrnn: Experiment of detecting the borderline or frontier members of swarm, using homogeneous CTRNN controllers. Optimization is carried out using a Genetic Algorithm (GA).

  • experimentB_SNES_ctrnn: Experiment of detecting the borderline or frontier members of swarm, using homogeneous CTRNN controllers. Optimization is carried out using a Separable Natural Evolution Strategy (SNES).

  • experimentC_GA_ctrnn: Experiment of orientation consensus of the swarm (reach same heading orientation), using homogeneous CTRNN controllers. Optimization is carried out using a Genetic Algorithm (GA).

  • experimentC_SNES_ctrnn: Experiment of orientation consensus of the swarm (reach same heading orientation), using homogeneous CTRNN controllers. Optimization is carried out using a Separable Natural Evolution Strategy (SNES).

  • experimentD_GA_ctrnn: Experiment of following a mobile light that can only be perceived by 2 robots, using homogeneous CTRNN controllers. Optimization is carried out using a Genetic Algorithm (GA).

  • experimentD_SNES_ctrnn:Experiment of following a mobile light that can only be perceived by 2 robots, using homogeneous CTRNN controllers. Optimization is carried out using a Separable Natural Evolution Strategy (SNES).


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