For initial Jetson hardware setup instructions, visit the wiki Home
- Jetson TX2 (base)
- CUDA, CUDNN, OpenCV and supporting libs, full and lean variants
- Caffe deep learning framework
- Darknet deep learning framework with Yolo
These docker images are also available at the public bluehorizon docker hub repo as part of the Horizon project.
- Clone this repo locally
- Build the base Jetson TX2 image. This base image is the prerequisite for later containers like Caffe, Darknet, and other deep learning frameworks
docker build -f Dockerfile.cudabase -t openhorizon/aarch64-tx2-cudabase .
This CUDNN container is the basis of builds for the containers below:
- BVLC's Caffe
- NVIDIA's Caffe
- Darknet (Yolo)
To build Berkley's (BVLC) Caffe container:
- First build the Jetson TX2 container with CUDNN: aarch64-tx2 (see above)
- Build the BVLC Caffe container:
cd caffe
docker build -f Dockerfile.caffe -t openhorizon/aarch64-tx2-caffe .
To build a container with NVIDIA's Caffe:
- First build the Jetson TX2 Cudabase container with CUDNN (see above)
- Build the NVIDIA Caffe container:
docker build -f Dockerfile.nvidia.caffe -t openhorizon/aarch64-tx2-nvidia-caffe .
- First build the NVIDIA Caffe container (see above)
- Build the NVIDIA DIGITS container:
docker build -f Dockerfile.digits -t openhorizon/aarch64-tx2-digits .
To build darknet with Yolo:
- First build the Jetson TX2 Cudabase container with CUDNN (see above)
- Build darknet container:
cd darknet
docker build -f Dockerfile.darknet-tx2 -t openhorizon/aarch64-tx2-darknet .
To build Dusty NV's container:
- First build the 'tensorrt-tx2' container TensorRT
cd tensorrt
docker build -f Dockerfile.tensorrt -t openhorizon/aarch64-tx2-tensorrt .
cd ../
- Build Dusty NV's container:
cd dustyinference
docker build -f Dockerfile.dustyinference -t openhorizon/aarch64-tx2-dustyinference .
Base drivers container (smallest): aarch64-tx2-drivers
docker build -f Dockerfile.drivers -t openhorizon/aarch64-tx2-drivers .
Base CUDA container: openhorizon/aarch64-tx2-cudabase (for OpenCV4Tegra build, and other builds requiring CUDA/CUDNN)
docker build -f Dockerfile.cudabase -t openhorizon/aarch64-tx2-cudabase .
cd caffe
docker build -f Dockerfile.opencv4tegra.caffe -t openhorizon/aarch64-tx2-opencv4 .
To test the speed of AlexNet on the GPU:
docker run --privileged --rm openhorizon/aarch64-tx2-caffe /caffe/build/tools/caffe time --model=/caffe/models/bvlc_alexnet/deploy.prototxt --gpu=0
To do the same on the CPU:
docker run --privileged --rm openhorizon/aarch64-tx2-caffe /caffe/build/tools/caffe time --model=/caffe/models/bvlc_alexnet/deploy.prototxt
To run Digits:
docker run --privileged --name digits -p 5001:5001 -d openhorizon/aarch64-tx2-digits
# Now you can connect to http://jetsonip:5001 using your browser
To run Yolo:
# as root on host TX2 allow x, e.g. 'xhost +'
# then, assuming you have a usb webcam hooked up:
# tiny yolo model against the VOC data set is the fastest (only 20 classes though)
xhost + && docker run --privileged -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp:/tmp --rm openhorizon/aarch64-tx2-darknet /darknet/darknet detector demo -c 1 cfg/ cfg/tiny-yolo-voc.cfg tiny-yolo-voc.weights
# regular yolo model is much more accurate and against MS COCO 91 classes; however, 2x slower in my tests:
xhost + && docker run --privileged -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp:/tmp --rm openhorizon/aarch64-tx2-darknet /darknet/darknet detector demo -c 1 cfg/ cfg/yolo.cfg yolo.weights
To run DustyNV's container:
xhost + && docker run --privileged -v /dev:/dev -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp:/tmp --net=host --ipc=host --rm -ti openhorizon/aarch64-tx2-dustyinference bash -c "cd /jetson-inference/build/aarch64/bin && ./imagenet-camera"