MANTIS, short for Mapping and Navigation Technology Integrating SLAM, currently relies on Hector Mapping to facilitate its mapping operations. This approach enables MANTIS to generate detailed maps of its surroundings while simultaneously navigating through them. However, in the ongoing pursuit of enhanced functionality and performance, there are imminent plans to integrate Gmapping into the MANTIS system. By incorporating Gmapping, MANTIS aims to further refine its mapping capabilities, allowing for more accurate and efficient navigation in diverse environments.
- joy_py: Joy_py facilitates the control of a SLAM bot via an Xbox controller.
- Low Level Codes: It consist of the code for Arduino Mega.
- rplidar_ros: Standard package for getting sensor data from RPLiDAR.
- wc_navigation: Relevant launch files for navigation of MANTS in 2D mode.
Before deploying MANTIS, it's crucial to verify that all necessary libraries are installed both in the Arduino IDE and on your device.
- Setting Up the Device.
# In terminal write the following commands:
sudo apt install ros-noetic-rosserial
sudo apt install ros-noetic-rosserial arduino
sudo apt install ros-noetic-rosserial-python
- After this you need to install rosserial in your Arduino_Ide
For mapping the arena using Hector SLAM
Launch rplidar node
roslaunch rplidar_ros rplidar.launch
Launching the mapping node
roslaunch wc_navigation map_hector.launch
Saving the map
rosrun map_server map_saver -f test_1
To launch the navigation using only RViZ
roslaunch wc_navigation wc_navigation.launch