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Releases: RockinChaos/ItemJoin

1.21.4 Support, New Features, and Bugfixes

19 Feb 07:23
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  • 1.21.4 Support (1362df8)
  • custom item models (c9ba735)
    • model-data now supports model names in Minecraft 1.21.4+, versions below this will still take the numerical input.
    • Example; model-data: example:custom_sword
  • saving NBT Properties (519a776)
    • When saving an item via the in-game menu, NBT Properties will now be pulled. This is VERY helpful as it adds support for plugins like ItemsAdder, ExecutableItems, and other custom item plugins without having to utilize their API (manually adding support).
  • nbt package nesting (c1aafc3)
    • NBT Properties now support nesting, so you can implement keys inside a package.
    • A package is defined by specifying it as a route, e.g package.key. Example with a key having no package and two keys with a package.
    • Example; properties: ', itemsadder.namespace:_ianternal'
  • dyeing leather horse armor (1f13d52)
    • Minecraft versions 1.14+ now supports dyeing leather horse armor. The functionality is identical to leather armor.
  • FIRST-WORLD active-commands tigger (d0f0a85)
    • Command(s) will be executed in every specified world upon entering the world.


  • major paper spigot packet issue (7f5e34e)
    • Was causing the selected hotbar item to become "latched" but only server-side, this was not visible on the client causing various bugs.
  • NBT Properties Nesting/Listing (7e487b0)
    • This... never functioned from day 1... just randomly noticed this wasn't working....
  • chestsort indexoutofbounds (6b4e03d)
    • Would occur when other plugins utilize the ChestSort API with an inventory lacking viewers. Now these calls will simply be ignored since they can't be handled anyways.
  • folia item commands (6696fb2)
  • dropping items running commands (3264876)
    • If you dropped an item with an interact command while holding it, the command had a chance of being ran. Recent changes broke the old check method for drops resulting in the drops check being ran after the interact event already triggered.
  • database pipeline (a61a596)
    • Various fixes that should help improve database connectivity to prevent executions while the connection is refused.
  • move-next loading legacy methods (c346e55)
    • Was causing major lag when the first player joins the server as Spigot was force loading unsafe legacy methods as a result of #setData being called for the move-next itemflag. Furthermore this lag could result in the loss of the item being moved.
  • improved %player_interact% accuracy (1581b21)
    • The value wasn't being passed from events that directly include this variable. No need to calculate when we already have the player.
  • database columns (ea8be06)
    • Changed the larger varchar to text to force MySQL servers to use the max 60k length.
  • table purging (a9f3f5e)
    • Tables failed to purge if a player argument was missing.
  • use-cooldown (6c8d3f0)
    • Simply wasn't working with entities like ender pearls. It only was respecting fireworks and block placements.
  • data saving to database (3cc56b3)
    • Larger inventories were failing to save to the database due to the limited character size.
  • crafting definition (735359a)
  • old enum resolving (9ac611f)
    • 1.21.3 contained a change to replace old enums with the registry, this resulted in no longer being able to resolve the old enum names. A change has been implemented to attempt to resolve the old names but it likely will stop working in the future.
  • return items compression (465739e)
    • Some MYSQL hosts couldn't handle the large Base64 string so it is now compressed to half its original size.
  • return items (7288016)
    • This simply wasn't working, items were being cleared after these items are returned instead of before.
  • cancel-equip armor (1984055)
  • hide-attributes itemflag (50fea47)
    • Paper changed their ItemFlag functionality in 1.20.5 to be different than Spigot. This change made it impossible to hide default attribute values without setting dummy data.
  • cross-platform experimental features (26a4cca)
    • Experimental features added by Spigot are sometimes missing in other forks like Purpur.


  • middle click support (4861b26)
    • Middle click support for item commands has been removed in 1.21+. Blame Microsoft.
  • folia tweaks (a184e1b)
  • Performance improvement (71318ac)
    • Introduces class caching when using Reflections.

1.21.2 & 1.21.3 Support, Bugfixes

24 Nov 02:26
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  • 1.21.2/1.21.3 Support (0953236)
  • first-wild trigger (1ac6f2d)
    • Gives the item once upon the player joining for the first time. It will also give the item to the player every time they respawn as long as they didn't respawn at a bed or anchor.
  • respawn-point trigger (b073f20)
    • Gives the player the item upon respawning as long as they respawned at a bed or anchor.


  • memory usage (19500db)
  • respawn trigger(s) (4d99408)
  • deprecated compatibility (cd7e1a8)
  • revealing ghost items (deeaec3)
  • CarbonSpigot Support (38b34c7)
    • Implements a fallback for when the #isEmpty method is missing from the Bukkit Inventory.
  • Menu ConcurrentModificationException (2ba14c3)
  • null item when animating (c5105b4)
    • Sometimes animations would cause an item to return null.
  • invisible menu items (f8edb6f)
  • disabled regions (9f6364d)
  • Metrics Logging (6e0b69e)
    • Setting Metrics-Logging to false in the config.yml ended up doing nothing because the value wasn't being checked programmatically.
  • menu saving (3e26789)
    • Trying to save a modified or new custom item via /itemjoin menu would incorrectly fail when an item count or command cost was not specified.
  • region messages (8e510a6)
    • Region triggers for custom items were causing a lot of message spam for overwrite or inventory full failures in addition to debugging messages. This would happen every time the player moved which was not intended.
  • Active-Commands first-join (1475481)
    • The first-join trigger/executor was being ignored for Active-Commands defined in the config.yml. Proper function is now restored, first-join will only execute once per-world.
  • slot clearing blacklist (d86298f)
    • Defining custom slots to be blacklisted from clearing as in; HELMET, CHESPLATE, LEGGINGS, BOOTS, and OFFHAND would be ignored.
  • SkinsRestorer API (3eee1f8)
    • When SkinsRestorer is in proxy mode or stuck loading it throws errors when initializing.


  • renamed respawn-point to respawn-wild (3bdefee)
    • This naming scheme was counter intuitive and confusing.
  • GitLab to Jenkins (b9ab699)

1.21 & 1.21.1 Support, New Features, Bugfixes

03 Sep 23:54
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Notice: This release contains a major change to item permissions. If you define a custom permission-node for an item, this will be required in order to get the item, ignoring any permission settings in the config.yml. It is now expected that by setting a custom permission-node you actually want to have permissions be required for that item.



  • 1.21 & 1.21.1 Support.
  • Folia Support.
    • Folia is a new fork of PaperSpigot that adds regionized multithreading to the server.
  • no-clear itemflag
    • Prevents the player from using any plugins /clear commands to remove the custom item.
    • Executing /clear will now clear all items excluding any custom items with the no-clear itemflag.
  • %state% placeholder for toggle command messages.
  • erase-drops itemflag
    • This itemflag entirely removes the item from the player when they try to drop it or on-death.
    • Unlike the self-drops counterpart, the item is not given back.
  • Polish Language translation.
  • selectable-delay
    • You can modify your selectable itemflag individually for each item by specifying selectable-delay: 1 on your item to increase the amount of time the user is allowed to have the item selected before they are forced to unselect it.
    • By default, the selectable itemflag no longer has a delay, you can add this delay to increase the amount of time the user can select the item. For each numerical value (1..., 2..., 3...) adds 10 ticks, so 1 is half a second, 2 is a full second, 4 is two seconds, etc.
  • disabled-regions
    • This was added as a replacement for region-priority, the idea of this is to allow the specification of enabled-regions while having the ability to disable specific regions inside the enabled-regions. There are other use cases for this but it was the main reason for being added.
    • This prevents region-enter and region-access items from being given in those regions, (region-access will have them auto-removed).
    • This also allows region-leave and region-egress items to be given in those regions (works best if they are a sub-region inside an enabled-region)
  • on-join item command
    • You can now add on-join item commands to custom items.
    • This will only trigger if the player already has the custom item while joining the server, not after getting the item.
    • This respects and waits for AuthMe authorization.
  • item command permissions
    • Every command action can have its own permission or set of permissions required to execute the command. In the example below I use interact, but this can be anything like interact-right, interact-left, inventory, inventory-creative, etc.
    • You can use a ! symbol in front of the permission to invert the condition, making the permission strictly not required to execute the command. If they have that permission and it's not set to false then they will not be allowed to execute the command.
    • Example;
    - 'console: eco give %player% 5000'
    - '!'
    - ''
    interact-fail-message: '%prefix% &cfailed to execute the interact-right commands.'
  • Inverted permission-node on custom items.
    • You can now use the ! symbol to invert the permission requirement from permission-node on custom items.
    • Example; permission-node: '!fish.cakes' - players without this permission will be given the item.
  • Entity selectors can now be used in plugin commands.
    • Example; /itemjoin get item_1 @a[team=afk]
  • commands-cost can now accept placeholders and double values.
    • Example; commands-cost: '%player_deaths%' - increases the cost to execute a command each time the player dies.
    • Example; commands-cost: 1.5 - will charge exactly $1.5 from the economy balance.


  • AuthMe authentication.
    • AuthMe authentication was bypassed when any region trigger was defined.
  • stackable itemflag duplication.
  • self-drop itemflag
    • With an open GUI menu from any plugin you could drop the item from your inventory via your cursor.
  • placement itemflag
    • Containers can now be opened when the placement itemflag is present.
    • Previously the itemflag would prevent containers like chests from being opened.
  • item conditions
    • If a placeholder had a colon inside it, the conditions would fail to parse.
  • AutoCraft bug
    • Inventories smaller than 4 slots would cause the AutoCraftEvent to break, for example a furnace.
  • Data loading
    • Added a short delay to allow items to properly generate before finalizing the data.
  • fireworks use-cooldown
    • The use-cooldown would fail to function with fireworks if the player was actively flying with an Elytra.
  • region triggers debugging
    • Disabled "player has item" debug messages for region triggers as they are not necessary and are quite spammy.
  • /ij get fail count
    • Using /ij get, getAll, or getOnline with a non-ItemJoin item occupying the custom item slot would incorrectly say the player has all items.
    • Now the number of failed items to be given will be displayed if the custom item slot is occupied.
  • accidental removing of vanilla recipes.
    • Furnace, stone cutter, and enchant recipes were accidentally being removed on /ij reload resulting in them being non-functional.
    • The way recipes are removed has been changed to only remove ItemJoin recipes.
  • crafting items death-keep and death-drops
    • Crafting items were not being returned despite having the death-keep itemflag defined.
    • Crafting items were not being cleared if death-drops was defined.
  • death-keep breaking item animations.
  • death-keep online check.
  • death-keep itemflag with multi-slots
    • Multi-Slots were not being properly restored, instead they were being stacked.
  • AuthMe authentication
    • If a user hasn't logged in but hovered over a slot that previously had an ItemJoin item, the Item Commands could be triggered.
    • AuthMe does not remove items from the player inventory, they simply are made invisible (ghosts).
  • Illegal characters in chat.
    • Only occurred with alternative versions of Spigot, like PaperSpigot.
    • The issue typically was with using chat colors in item commands.
  • /ij get enabled-worlds checks.
    • The get commands were not checking to see if the player was in an enabled world for the item.
  • Clear-Items region clearing.
    • Items were constantly being cleared and restored instead of only doing so once.
    • The original functionality of Region-Enter clearing has been restored.
  • /ij dump (paste api)
    • Servers would crash in some geo-blocked locations.
  • count-lock bug with projectiles.
    • 1.20.5/1.20.6 broke the built-in API for blocking item consumption so a custom method has been added to replace this.
  • inventory-creative commands.
    • A bug would occur when shift+clicking "Destroy Items" in creative mode while having an item defined with inventory-creative commands.
    • Clicking "Destroy Item" would cause any item in the player inventory with inventory-creative defined to execute.
  • Check for updates bug.
    • Major version jumps would not be handled properly causing the updater to get confused.
  • Purge commands.
    • Trying to purge an entire data-set (not specifying a player) would result in a "command not found" error.
  • ChestSort API double-clicking bug.
    • Would cause custom items to duplicate when sorting.
  • Concurrent Exceptions.
  • Permission pages.
    • Would list duplicates.
  • Many many miscellaneous legacy Minecraft bugs.


  • selectable itemflag.
    • Removed delay and added other special cases like click-dropping items and giveTo triggers.
  • In /ij menu the CustomModelData definition will now show a preview of the model data.
  • Rewrote timers to function better.

Major bugfixes

03 Jun 03:17
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  • Permission-Switch trigger.
    • Adding this trigger to a custom item will allow it to be given at the moment the permission is granted to the user.
    • If the permission is revoked the custom item will be automatically removed.


  • 1.17.0 - 1.17.1 bug with not being able to join the server when defining a custom book item.
  • JSON Books being non-functional for Legacy Minecraft versions 1.8 - 1.20.4.
  • Menu would break if items are empty or null in the items.yml.
  • Menu region-egress trigger being broken.
    • Was incorrectly referenced as region-engress instead of region-egress.
  • Menu disable triggers not removing all triggers.
    • A few new trigger values were missing instead, the list is just cleared rather than being checked.
  • Legacy Minecraft animation spam when updating the Player Inventory.
    • Even if no action was taken to the player inventory a force update was incorrectly triggered.
  • Legacy PotionMeta bug.
    • ItemMeta was incorrectly specified in the reflection.
  • Another VirusTotal false-flag.
    • This is very unlikely to happen again, the method has been entirely rewritten.
  • commands-cost bug.
    • Users with a balance in the negatives (less than zero) would not be allowed to execute commands regardless of commands-cost being specified.
    • commands-cost being set to zero or not defined now allows the commands to execute properly.


  • Dump URL is now interactable.
    • Easier to copy the URL.

1.20.5 & 1.20.6 Support, Bugfixes, and New Features.

28 May 00:27
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  • on-drop item command.
    • If you drop an item with on-drop command(s) specified these will execute.
    • Example;
    slot: 0
      - 'message: &cCome back! You left me behind!'
  • model-data, durability, and data saving using the in-game menu.
    • Previously this information was not saved when trying to import an existing item.
  • Snapshot update checking.
    • If you ever download a snapshot from our integration server ItemJoin now checks for updates to see if a new snapshot is available.
    • If a snapshot update is found it can be automatically fetched via /itemjoin upgrade.
    • Additionally, if a snapshot is outdated because it has officially hit the release stage, you will be moved off of the snapshot branch to update to the official release. You will not be automatically moved to the next snapshot branch (Aka v6.0.6 to v6.0.7). If you wish to move to the new snapshot versioning you will need to manually download it. This is done to encourage updating to the official release since initial snapshots after an official release are typically unstable.


  • Bug with custom items being held in a cursor was not being removed.
  • Trigger conditions being erased when saving using the menu.
  • MCAntiMalware false-flag bug.
  • VirusTotal false-flag bug.
  • World-switch null item bugfix.
  • Item Statistics being lost when reloading (Enchantments, Placeholders, etc).
  • no-hat itemflag bugfix.
    • If this was enabled on the item and you typed in chat or executed a command that contained the characters hat the message or command would be blocked.
    • EX; What are you doing? would be blocked due to hat existing inside what.
    • Now supporting types are defined, currently EssentialsX /ehat, CMI /cmi hat, and General /hat are currently blocked, more can be added if needed in the future.
  • Null animations bugfix.
    • Items could continue to try to animate even when the player was offline or the item didn't exist for the player.
  • Death-Chest / Tombstone plugin bugfix.
    • death-drops / death-keep itemflags now properly prevent the item from being stored in a death chest from plugins like AngelChest.
  • Custom consumable potion effects bugfix.
    • These were functioning outside their defined enabled-worlds.
  • Null crafting items bugfix.
  • NMS bugfix.
    • The NMS checker would always think it was running a developer version.
    • This function exists to alert the player if they are using ItemJoin on a server version newer than what ItemJoin has been compiled and tested against.
  • Arbitrary item stacking bugfix.
    • Items with the arbitrary slot specified were not automatically stacking where applicable, instead they were always given in a new slot when using the /itemjoin get command.
  • Move-next itemflag bugfix.
    • If the player had already been given the item, it would try to move itself to the next available slot despite not needing to be given.
  • Limit-switch bugfix.
    • This was just straight-up broken and non-functional when WorldGuard was enabled on the server.
  • Limit-modes bugfix.
    • Old gamemode references were being used when respawning or switching worlds due to the item delay causing the item to be given (or not given) when it was supposed to.
    • Gamemodes are now properly checked at the exact time the item is to be given or removed.
  • Null NBT bugfix.
    • Some item types were being detected as ItemJoin items because they had NBT data even though it didn't match ItemJoin's data.
    • NBT data is now properly checked and verified.
  • Miscellaneous Menu bug fixes.
  • Bug with how items are displayed as loaded.
    • The incorrect number of items successfully loaded were listed in console at startup.
    • All items would be listed if they were successfully read instead of listing items that were successfully loaded into memory.
  • disposable itemflag duplication bugfix.
    • Items using the disposable itemflag but not having the item-store itemflag defined could result in item duplication when storing the item into chests or clicking on item-frames, armor stands, and other entities.
  • Major recipe bugfix for recipes with custom ItemJoin items defined.
    • These simply wouldn't work and would break the default crafting table functionality.


  • death-keep itemflag.
    • This now functions more as a death-keep itemflag as the name implies.
    • Only items that currently exist at the time of death with the death-keep itemflag will be kept upon respawning.
    • If they do not meet the conditions to be given (enabled-worlds, enabled-regions, or limit-modes) the item will not be kept.
  • PlayerAutoCraftEvent whitelisting.
    • Plugins that utilize the PlayerAutoCraftEvent to open GUI menus can now request to be added to the whitelist.
  • Region triggers are now handled differently.
    • Instead of checking the regions when entering/leaving them the regions are always checked on player movement every 10 ticks.
    • This may result in higher timings but this makes the triggers more accurate reducing bugs and glitches.

Bug fixes

12 Jan 06:18
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  • dynamic-count itemflag.
    • Automatically sets the items count back to its original defined stack size defined in the items.yml.
    • The dynamic or animate itemflag must be enabled for this to function.
    • This was originally a feature by default but now must be specified via this new itemflag.


  • SkinsRestorer API bugs...
  • Hex colors not properly functioning for custom book pages or the messages command identifier.

1.20.4 Support, New Features & Bug fixes

31 Dec 08:47
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  • 1.20.3/1.20.4 Support.
    • Note that old JSON books will likely break!
    • Note that old items with the glowing itemflag will likely break!
  • splittable itemflag.
    • Items with this itemflag will not allowed to be "split" if their amount is greater than 1.
    • Blocks both right-click splitting and click-dragging.
  • damage command instance.
    • You can specify the amount of damage (durability) an item takes upon executing the command.
    • If durability hits 0 (or below) it will be automatically removed.
    • Example;
    slot: 0
      - 'damage: 15'
      - 'message: &cI have lost 15 durability points!'
  • on-kill command executor.
    • Executes the command set upon killing a Player.
    • Example;
    id: IRON_SWORD
    slot: 0
      - 'message: &aYou killed a player!'


  • Null check bug fixes for Legacy Minecraft.
  • Java 8 support.
    • Some newer methods were accidentally implemented resulting in errors in Java 8.
  • Death-drops bugfix with multi-slots.
  • Major recipe bug that caused a server crash.
    • Typically only occurred if you had an item with the vanilla itemflag defined and tried to craft items.
  • Implemented fall-back toggle messages into the lang.yml files.
    • Furthermore the plugin prefix has been removed from custom toggle messages that are defined per-item.
  • CheckforUpdates bugfix.
    • Just wasn't working, accidentally hard-coded instead of checking config.yml.
  • GameProfiles/PlayerProfiles are now properly cached.
  • Auto Chat-Tab-Completion for the upgrade command. Was still set to autoupdate which no longer exists.


  • enchantment: and enchantments: are now acceptable on an item.
    • Previously only enchantment: would function.
  • /itemjoin dump has been switched to a self-hosted paste alternative.
    • Pastebin has been dropped, mainly because of it being blocked in quite a few regions.
  • Relocated ChaosCore package to be directly inside the main package.
    • Fixes conflicts with other plugins using ChaosCore.


  • Minecraft 1.7 support.
    • According to statistics, nobody is using this version and it was A PAIN to support.
    • There is no reason to be using this instead Minecraft 1.8 should be used to avoid combat mechanics...

1.20.2 Support & Bug fixes

31 Dec 08:46
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  • 1.20.2 Support
  • respawn-point trigger.
    • An item with the respawn-point trigger defined will ONLY be given if the player is NOT spawning in a bed, anchor, or spawn-point.
    • To further clarify, the item will be given if spawning randomly in the wilderness, or at a set spawn such as an EssentialsX spawn.
  • Added Italian Language by Ale1x
  • Latest SkinsRestorer Support.
  • Region triggers now support the auto-remove itemflag.
  • Armor Trim Support.
    slot: CHESTPLATE
    trim-meta: LAPIS:COAST


  • Bug with enchantments not working after reload.
  • GameProfile bug fixes.
    • Designed a GameProfile caching system.
  • first-life itemflag bugfix.
    • Simply just wasn't working.
  • Item Recipe bugfix for Legacy Minecraft.
  • ProtocolAPI & TinyProtocol bugfixes.
  • Arbitrary slot bugfix for Legacy Minecraft.
  • JSON bugfix for Legacy Minecraft.
  • Bugfix for Book items in Legacy Minecraft.
  • Bugfix for global ItemMovement bypass.
    • Despite a bypass being set, all itemMovement was blocked.
  • Custom map image bugfix.
  • NMS Checker.
    • Using ItemJoin on a version of Minecraft NEWER than the version it was compiled for will now properly throw a not-supported warning.
  • Arbitrary slot bugfix for get and getall commands.
    • If one of the listed arbitrary slots were missing, it would say you had all items despite missing a defined slot.
    • Now all slots will be properly filled.


  • Reformatted a lot of the major code structure.
  • Implemented a "query" test in the menu.
    • Currently only setting the name of the item triggers the new query menu.


  • BetterNick dependency support.
    • It's a dead plugin that can't be downloaded anymore, use NickAPI instead.

1.20 Support & Bug fixes

16 Aug 03:20
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  • 1.20/1.20.1 Support
  • ALLAY support to the item-store itemflag.
    • ALLAYs will no longer be able to take your item if the item is using the item-store itemflag.


  • VirusTotal (False Flag) bugfix.
  • Major SQL/Database bugfixes.
  • Legacy skull items bugfix.


  • The glowing itemflag will now only register the glowing enchantment when the itemflag is actually used.

Major bug fix

01 May 03:46
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  • Major bug preventing the SQL data from being loaded (breaking multiple features).
  • Database purging bug.
  • Enchant glowing bug on legacy Minecraft versions.