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- Run scripts at your own risk.
- I do NOT take responsibility for what may happen to your system.
- CleanApps.ps1 is an interactive PowerShell script to assist in removing non essential Windows Apps.
- Currently it supports Windows 10 and Windows 11.
- A list of the apps removed is provided after the instructions.
- Double click RunScript.bat to launch the script.
- If you get a warning stating "Windows protected your PC"
- Click "More info" and then click "Run anyway"
- You can also right click CleanApps.ps1 and select "Run with PowerShell", however this may give you an error if scripts are not allowed.
List of apps the script will attempt to remove:
- ActiproSoftwareLLC
- AdobeSystemsIncorporated.AdobePhotoshopExpress
- BubbleWitch3Saga
- CandyCrush
- Clipchamp
- Disney+
- Dolby
- Duolingo-LearnLanguagesforFree
- EclipseManager
- Microsoft.549981C3F5F10 (This is Cortana)
- Microsoft.Advertising.Xaml
- Microsoft.BingNews
- Microsoft.BingSearch
- Microsoft.BingWeather
- Microsoft.Copilot
- Microsoft.GetHelp
- Microsoft.Getstarted
- Microsoft.Messaging
- Microsoft.Microsoft3DViewer
- Microsoft.MicrosoftOfficeHub
- Microsoft.MicrosoftSolitaireCollection
- Microsoft.MixedReality.Portal
- Microsoft.NetworkSpeedTest
- Microsoft.News
- Microsoft.Office.Lens
- Microsoft.Office.OneNote
- Microsoft.Office.Sway
- Microsoft.Office.Todo.List
- Microsoft.OneConnect
- Microsoft.People
- Microsoft.PowerAutomateDesktop
- Microsoft.Print3D
- Microsoft.RemoteDesktop
- Microsoft.SkypeApp
- Microsoft.Todos
- Microsoft.Wallet
- Microsoft.Whiteboard
- Microsoft.Windows.DevHome
- Microsoft.WindowsAlarms
- Microsoft.WindowsCamera
- microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps
- Microsoft.WindowsFeedbackHub
- Microsoft.WindowsMaps
- Microsoft.YourPhone
- MicrosoftCorporationII.MicrosoftFamily
- Minecraft
- PandoraMediaInc
- Royal Revolt
- Speed Test
- Spotify
- Sway
- Wunderlist